I can relate to both of these feelings. I decided it might be helpful to have a list of rainy day ideas so you don't have to get to creative while fighting the temptation to stay in bed.
Here you are my dears! Embrace the rain!
Lazy, "I just want to stay in bed" type of ideas:
1. Get a giant mug and a warm pot of tea or coffee, locate a comfy couch, some blankets and maybe a pillow or two. And, most importantly, get a giant good book to read to your heart's content.
I recommend any of the Karen Kingsbury books, as they are a favourite of mine at the moment. I would also suggest you find a comfy seat near a window. If you sit facing a window you can enjoy the beauty of the rain transforming the world outside and if you sit next to the window you can hear the lovely sound of rain on the window (which has the extraordinary power of lulling me to sleep).
2. Find someone you love and sit together on a couch, cuddled with blankets and pillows and watch the rain together and chat the whole day long. A lovely bonding experience and can be so much fun!
3. Pick a good rainy day movie and cuddle up to have a movie day! Movie days, in my opinion, should only ever happen when it is raining. I am a sucker for chick fllicks, so Sweet Home Alabama, Dear John, Bride Wars, The Proposal or something of the sort. Or, for a family movie, Up, Finding Nemo, Despicable Me, The Waltons (my all time favourite), Little House on the Prairie, Mary Poppins...any of those are good, fun choices.
I like to make a giant blanket & pillow fort for rainy day movie watching!
Something Fun to do Ideas:
1. Bust out your favourite board or card game. My favourite is Apples to Apples, and that's great for any age. I also recommend Bananagrams, You Don't Say, Dutch Blitz, Scene It, or just good, ol' Go Fish!
Have the best game day the world has ever known!
2. I love to bake all the time, but there is just something about rainy days that makes it so much more fun. So bust out your apron and the flour and get your kitchen into one big, delicious mess!
3. Why not embrace the rain? Find your most reliable boots and head out to puddle jump. When was the last time you jumped in a puddle, on purpose? It is so fun and the world's best stress reliever!

4. Kind of along the same lines of card and board games, a puzzle is always fun for a rainy day. I recently bought my friend a puzzle for her birthday. It was an Awkward Family Photo's Puzzle and was hilarious!
5. Dancing in the rain. It seems like such a silly thing, but is so much fun. There is something totally freeing about letting go of caring about your hair getting wet or your make up running. Try it! And, get someone to come with you. It makes it even more fun. You'll laugh til you're crying!

6. This one could also be a lazy day option. Find a place with a tin roof and spend the day there. What you do when you're there doesn't really matter, but there is something incredibly comforting about the sound of rain on a tin roof.
7. Find a chair and place to sit that is outside, but out of the rain. A closed in or covered porch, inside the door of the garage or carport. Anywhere you can stay dry and be outside is perfect. Nothing beats the smell or fresh rain and watching it fall.

Well those are all the ideas I have for you now. I hope that if it is raining where you are this weekend I have helped you fill the hours and enjoy your weekend!
Many blessings and prayers,
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