Be Ready...
Today we light the first purple candle on our wreath. And, the focus of this week is "Be Ready". The Latin meaning of the word Advent is 'coming'. For Catholics, it means the Lord is coming and we are preparing for Him. The entire purpose of Advent is to 'be ready'. Focusing on it for the first week sets the base for the next four weeks as we ready our souls and hearts for Jesus' birth.
How are you going to prepare and be ready for our King?
Here are some suggestions for you;
-go to Confession. Start Advent off right and with a clean slate.
-Come up with an Action. As Catholics, we don't necessarily give something up, or fast, during Advent as we do during Lent. However, this is a high, holy season. I suggest maybe choosing something to do, rather then something to not do. For example, pick one thing, each day that you will do to either improve you spiritual well being or something you will do for someone else.
-Make an Advent Calendar. Our society has all these crazy, candy filled Advent calendars. I suggest that you don't buy those. Make your own, minus the candy {I know, that's less fun, but remember we are preparing for our King...you will get lots of treats on Christmas, when He arrives & we are in full celebratory mode!}. Instead of treats & what not, write the feast days of Saints that fall through Advent so you remember to meditate on their lives {St. Nicholas, Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Lucy...}. On other days have little tasks like, 'bake cookies for someone who's lonely' or little prayers. You can also have things like, 'say three Hail Mary's for someone who's sick this Christmas'.
-Attend Mass. If you are able, attend Mass more than just on Sundays. It's good spiritual exercise.
Have a holy, good first week of Advent. I am praying for you.
-Emily xo
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