Saturday, March 15, 2014

Are We Pushing People Away?

Today, while in the study area at school I overheard a conversation that has been troubling me. I wanted to share with you what I observed.

{I swear I was NOT listening to their conversation intentionally--I just could hear them because the area was supposed to be silent, so their chatter stood out.}

There was a young woman explaining to her friend the absolute horror of growing up in a Christian home where she was made to attend Church & believe certain, ridiculous truths. As she wove a tale of woe her friend gasped at the shocking, terrible way this young woman had been raised. How dare her parents make her attend Church, teach that gay marriage was not something to be applauded, and expect their children to cling true to certain teachings. 

It made me so sad. But, as the story went on I realized something. This young women's parents had the greatest of intentions. They wanted their children to be holy, kind, and good. They wanted them to want to have a faith. I know those parents did their best, and I am not blaming them. But, did they maybe do something wrong?

I think the answer may be yes. I know there are times in my life when I have been absolutely wrong when I have tried to lead people to God. I am human, so of course I will not be perfect all of the time. But, that is not an excuse. Not this time.

I think sometimes, as Christians, we are under-educated. In order to teach and lead others to God and faith we have to know & understand what they are being led to. People, especially youth, hate being told that they can't-- Tell a 16 year old they can't have sex, they can't get drunk, they can't watch porn and they are going to do it. We have to know they why behind the "you can'ts". And, more than just knowing the why, we have to be able to explain it in a way that is going to meet people where they are at, and help them to understand why the "you can't" isn't imposing or restricting, but beautiful and freeing.

This Lent I challenge you to choose one thing in your faith (an apologetic topic, maybe) that you believe but don't really understand. Educate yourself. Not knowing is not an excuse. If we want to bring people to faith we have to know it.

Emily xo

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Impending Doom...

Lent began on Wednesday. I hope yours is going well so far. 

Today, I was thinking about how I feel about Lent. When I know Lent is approaching I feel my heart fill with impending doom... I suppose it's natural. I mean, I am human. I don't like to be uncomfortable. Who does? I like eating what I want, when I want it and to drink what I please and to do things that are excessive and fun. So, of course the thought of Lent is somewhat depressing... I am about to make choices about how I will be uncomfortable for, not an hour or two or even a week or two, but for 40 days. That's a long time.

Please, tell me I am not the only one who feels this way! Please!

Although it's human nature to enter Lent with these feelings it doesn't mean it is good for me. My goal this Lent is to view it with more joy. To just be altogether more joy-filled. So, how will I do this you ask?

1. I once had a priest who used to say that we should live this Lent as if it's our last. Now, that doesn't sound all that joyful. But, I need to start viewing this Lent as my last opportunity to re-shape my spirituality & to create the Emily that God intended. That should be a task that is delightful (hard- but amazing!)! 

2. Remind myself, ALL THE TIME, that my fasting from meat, cleaning the bathroom or waking up early are a wimpy little sacrifices in comparison to say, dying on a cross.

3. Viewing Lent as an opportunity, not a task. This is a chance to let God kick my spiritual butt & whip me into shape. It's a chance to make changes and become better.

4. Count my blessings. Lent tends to consume us (or, at least me) with thoughts of what we are doing without and we often forget that we have been given so much. I mean, just look around yourself right now. I can make a list a mile long of all the things around me I am thankful for, but I never view the world in that way. If I take time to count my blessings this Lent I will be unable to contain my joy. 

How will you find joy this Lent?

Emily xo

Sunday, March 2, 2014

He Doesn't Like Being Used

Is God maybe saying this to you? Lent starts Wednesday, use this time to get to know God. Maybe your relationship with Him looks like this right now...Mine does. Take this time to revamp your relationship with our King... He died for you, remember?

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Emily xo