
I am a practising Roman Catholic, and a lot of the opinions I have are based on my being Catholic. I believe in every teaching the Church has, but am in no way an expert.

I thank you for being open minded about my faith, and allowing me to share my faith here. Please never feel that I am condemning or judging you or anyone. This is what I know and believe in my heart and soul, and I have found it to always be true and life giving, but not necessarily easy or explainable. I just want to be able to share this beautiful gift with you, and I hope you are able to accept it, and open it, a little at a time.

Feel free to ask me any questions. I do not promise to have the answers, but I do promise to give you whatever resources or suggestions I can. I ask that you be respectful of my opinions, as I will be of yours. Together we can learn, and grow.

If you want to learn more about the Catholic faith, please visit this site. It is the link to the Vatican's website, specifically the online version of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which houses all Her teachings.

Many blessings,

Emily xo 

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