NET Ministries

From 2010-2011 I was incredibly blessed to serve as a missionary with NET Ministries of Canada.

As a young Catholic I am extremely passionate about NET's mission to bring Christ to young people across the world. I would love for you to learn more about their ministry! If you are interested in applying to NET, or in offering a donation, please click here. NET relies entirely on the donations of people like us. That is how they are able to keep this program running, pay their dedicated and passionate staff, and reach into homes and parishes across the nation. Please offer them your prayers! And, if you are able to offer your time or finances, their appreciation would be everlasting!

NET also has teams in the United StatesIreland and Australia. If you are interested in serving with them, or in giving your donations there, please click on the country's name to be taken to their sites.

Thank you for your love and support.

Emily xo

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