This September I began college for the first time. Yes, I have been finished high school for 3 and a half years, but I never went to college. Yes, I got a lot of flack for that. Thankfully, not from my parents, siblings or boyfriend. But, flack all the same, particularly from some very opinionated extended family who seemed to think their input was desired in every aspect of my life, including the ago I should be married, and what my hourly wage should be.

Kelly & I
The truth is, I never went to school because I never felt I should go. God knows I prayed & begged him to place a desire for it in my heart, so I could see some direction in my life. But, it was never there. I applied to College once, 2 years ago, and declined my acceptances because it felt wrong. But, what felt right? That I couldn't figure out.
Which brings me to where I am now, in college studying to be a Personal Support Worker. I am there because I knew God was calling me to serve, and this seemed to the place where my heart found rest.
However, it was more then not feeling God calling me to College that was keeping me away. I was afraid. Not of school, I enjoy learning. Not of making friends, I think I am fairly likable. I was afraid for my faith. I am keenly aware that my faith is a gift from God, one I will never take for granted. And, my entire life I am been in environments that fostered and encouraged my faith. I lived in a good Catholic home, I went to amazing Catholic schools, I had great Catholic friends, I feel in love with a wonderful Catholic man, I served in a beautiful Catholic ministry. I even worked for Catholics. But, I knew College wouldn't be like that, and I was terrified that my faith wouldn't be strong enough to withstand a nearly God-less culture-the culture of death.
I know I cannot be the only Catholic with this same perception of College. I certainly hope I am not, anyway! So, as I began College I had a couple of goals.
1. I wanted to remain & grow strong in my faith, not falter & let it fall. I wanted this experience to test me in ways I hadn't been tested, having spent most of my life around like minded Catholics. I wanted to be driven to me knees in prayer in ways I hadn't been before.
2. I wanted to find community. If nothing else, I know that my very being needs community. I am a very introverted person, so this can sometimes be challenging for me to see & understand, but still I know it's true. I want to find even one person who shares my faith & views with whom I can grow, spiritually.
3. I wanted to love more deeply. This may seem a little bizarre. It is, actually. But, I knew attending college would present me with endless opportunities to disagree with those around me-be it in the classroom or out. I would disagree with things taught in the classroom because of my moral stance. I would disagree with the lifestyles of my peers based on what I know to be true, life-giving & holy.
In other words, I would make enemies. So, I needed to learn how to love more deeply. Because love is the single most effective way to be an evangelist. Which brings me to my next point.
4. I wanted to minister & evangelize. This is my duty & responsibility as a Catholic, and I knew College would test my ability in this area. I wanted to become well spoken in what I believe, but more then that, I wanted to live a life that was ministry enough.
Preeeaaaccchh ITTT, St. Francis!
So, is being Catholic in College difficult? Oh yes! But is it possible? Matthew 19:26, ladies & gentlemen. I think the most important thing to remember is this;
My prayers are with you...please pray for me as well!
Emily xo
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