Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dear Pope Benny...

Today, our blessed and wonderful Pope, Pope Benedict XVI, resigns from his God-given position as the earthy head and father of the Roman Catholic Church. It is a day mixed with sadness, reverence, pride and joy for the Church.
Sadness, as we witness the resignation of a wonderful, holy man who lead, challenged and guided us in the wisdom of our Heavenly Father the last eight years.
Reverence as we respect and worship the voice of God in the Pope's heart that called him to this decision, and as He leads us to the next chapter.
Pride in the humility is took for someone of human frailty to step down from such a mighty position. It takes a lot of faith, trust and discipline to hear God's voice calling you to something of such great humility, and to follow God's calling with such grace.
Joy as we send off our dear Pope wrapped in a mantle of prayer, love and respect. And, joy as we await the voice of the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of His people as a new Pope is called.

So, join me today in praying, not only for dear Pope Benedict, as he begins his life anew, post papal commitments but also for the minds and hearts of God's people as the listen intently to the Holy Spirit as a new Pope is called to take his rightful place.

"The new Pope knows that his task is to make the light of Christ shine before men and women of the world- not his own light, but that of Christ."
Pope Benedict XVI


Emily xo

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