Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Talking Birds and the New Pope

I love being part of a big family. I especially treasure my role in it, as the oldest. Recently, I moved back in with my parents and younger siblings temporarily, and although there are certain challenges and adjustments (but what better time to be doing that then during Lent, right?) I am loving it.

I wanted to share a story with you that I thought may make you smile. 

My littlest brother, who is 5 and a half (they celebrated his half birthday is his kindergarten class last week) is so sweet. Every night my family says the rosary together in the room my 4 brothers share. After the rosary, those of us who are older leave and my parents stay and say some bedtime prayers with the little boys. 

In light of Pope Benedict's resent resignation there have been some specific prayers in our home for the selection of the new Pope. After prayers were finished, the five and a half year old asked my Dad how we get a new Pope. Dad was explaining to him how the Cardinals all get together and pray and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and talk and what not (trying to say as simply as possible so it would make sense to a five year old). As Dad explained, my brother's little eyes were growing wider and wider. Finally he said, "For real? They can talk?"

His poor little mind must have been working a mile a minute trying to figure out why he never knew the cardinals we saw at our bird feeder over Christmas could speak...and not just speak, but hear the Holy Spirit! 

Don't worry, we did set him straight. We wouldn't want him going to school and telling his friends that pretty red birds get to pick the new Pope. Can you imagine the mass confusion and excitement in a kindergarten class after news like that?

I hope this little story brought a smile to your face.

God bless and many, many prayers!

Emily xo

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