Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Better You

A few months ago I was talking to a woman who is Catholic, but no longer attends Mass. We will call her Lydia. She told me a story about how, years ago, she had been quite ill, and unable to go to Mass for sometime. When she finally was able to return one Sunday, a woman came up to her, and said some things that insulted and hurt her, about how she had been away from Church.

Maybe that was not the other woman's intention, but nevertheless, Lydia felt hurt. And, maybe worse, Lydia felt this woman was being a hypocrite. Here she was, attending Mass on a regular bases, and acting in a cruel manor. 

This got me thinking about a couple things. 

First, have I been that woman? Have a said something to someone that hurt them, and lead them to believe I was a hypocritical Catholic?

And second, is that a valid reason to quit going to Church? I know some people will disagree with what I have to say about this second point, but so be it. 

I think no, that it isn't a valid reason. I think it's an excuse. A Church is a holy, beautiful place that is only perfect before any humans enter it. God is the only perfect thing, and when He is in the Church building, residing in the Tabernacle in the Eucharist, the Church is perfect. But, the flock is made up of imperfect pieces. That's us. We are far from perfect, and we mess up and we hurt one another. 

Sin and pain exists because we exist. And therefore, we cannot go into a Church, expecting ultimate perfection and peace from anyone other then God. We can hope and strive for a peaceful place without hurt. In fact, we not only can, we should! But, that isn't reality. We need to know that the people who attend Mass are not perfect, nor are they claiming to be. In fact, they are openly admitting that they are sinners, in need of help and guidance. They are admitting their tendency to hurt others and to sin, but are trying to be better.

I am not saying that we need to accept when people hurt us. Of course we don't. As people we have the responsibility to correct those around us, in an attempt to help them prepare their souls for God. We need to call people out of sin, and to a greater good. But, we also have to understand that when people hurt us, they too are human. It's a lot of pressure to put on someone to watch their every move and to always expect perfection. Instead we need to expect that they are striving for perfection, and that we are all in this together, and need to help one another.

Part of being human is our tendency for pride (a sin!). It's challenging to admit we need help, and that is what going to Mass is all about. So, often time people look for excuses to not attend Mass. They make not even be consciously aware that they are doing it. We look for an 'excuse', which is what someone saying or doing something wrong gives us. We say, "Faith is personal, I don't need the institution of religion. Everyone there are hypocrites."

Faith is personal, of course! But we do need a community. We need people to call us to holiness and to help us grow in a deeper personal relationship with our Father. And, the people who fill the pews may seem like hypocrites,  but really they are just trying to get to Heaven and overcome their temptations. Same as you are.


Emily xo

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