Saturday, April 27, 2013

Dealing with Stress

This week has been so very stressful. My life has been crazy, and I have been feeling quite overwhelmed. I am sure I am not the only one feeling this way, so I wanted to share with you my tips for dealing with stress in our lives.

1. Pray.
I think this is something we know in our hearts, but when we're in the middle of a stressful time it is often the thing that we are quick to forget. Not only is this the perfect opportunity to ask for strength and grace to preserve through the tough times when no human ability can, but it also has an incredibly calming effect on one's soul!

2. Breathe.
You have probably heard people say, "Just breath!" But, that is wayyyy easier said then done!  Really take a moment to clear your mind of all your worries, and take a good deep breath. Literally, breathe deeply. It will help put everything into perspective. 

3. Be Thankful.
Once you've taken a deep breath, take a moment and be thankful. Be thankful for your breath in that moment, and for everything that is going right in your life (that second part may take a minute to figure out). Be thankful for this moment, because it will never happen again!

4. Remember the Purpose.
At the end of the day, when it's all said and done, what is the purpose of what you're doing? Maybe you're stressed about money & making ends meet. But, at the end of that day, what is the purpose of that money? More then likely, it's so you and your family can live. The purpose is your family. So, remember that you have them, and that is the most important thing.
And, remember that our ultimate purpose is to bring glory to God. So be sure your life is giving glory to God, and that you are preparing your soul for Heaven. Be an example of that to everyone you meet...and nothing else matters.

5. Talk it Out.
If you're anything like me, you hate talking about what is wrong. However, I find when I am able to talk things out, either with God, Troy, my Mom or a close friend, things seem less dramatic. And, they can sometimes offer wisdom from the outside. When we are too close, or too emotionally involved in a situation it's challenging for us to get a good outside perspective, so talking it out with someone can often help.

6. Take a Break.
 Allow yourself a break. Maybe you only have a five minute break, but take advantage of it. If you really enjoy tea, make yourself a cup. Or go for a walk around the block. Just remove yourself from the stress. If you can't physically escape, just allow your mind to turn off for a couple minutes.
If you are able to go away for the weekend, do it! Take a good book and plan something relaxing, that you'll really enjoy and allow yourself the break.

7. Keep a Picture close by.
I find that having something special to me close by when I am stressed helps calm me down. Family photos work well. If work is stressing you out, keep a photo of your family from a vacation, or some fun memory, on your desk to look at. While you look at it, say a prayer for each one of them. It will help ease your mind & calm your soul.

8. Cry.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with crying. Give yourself permission to break down and sob. Give yourself permission to have tears flow for as long as they need to. It can be a wonderful release of pent up emotion!

9. It Could be Worse.
Put it in perspective. Things could be worse, and somewhere someone is having a worse time then you are. 

10. Take a Nap and Just go to Bed!
Sleep is a wonderful thing, and has the power to revive you, and totally turn your outlook around. Go to bed earlier, or have a nap if you can. Remember, things look brighter in the morning.

This one is so important that it should begin and end the de-stress process. Pray!!

I hope these help! I am praying for you also. Remember, someone will always love you.

Emily xox

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