Friday, May 10, 2013

Gendercide? What in the world?

Give us the grace...When the sacredness of life before birth is attacked, to stand up and proclaim that no one ever has the authority to destroy unborn life."
-Blessed Pope John Paul II

Yesterday I had the wonderful privilege to participate in the National March for Life in Ottawa, Ontario. I cannot thank everyone who made that possible enough. I am so incredibly thankful that I have a job and employer that allowed me the time off to make the trip to Ottawa yesterday. I am grateful for our local pro-life association for doing all the leg work to get a bus together so I didn't have to drive down. I am thankful for the hard work and dedication of the hundreds of people who put in countless hours to organize and fund such a massive rally. I thank the hundreds of Police Officers who showed up to keep the March as peaceful as possible, even if they did not agree with what we were doing.  And, I am so thankful for the 20 or so thousand people who showed up from, not only across the country, but from other countries as well.

But here is what I am most thankful for. I cannot express how thankful I am today that I live in Canada, and that I am able to be a part of a peaceful protest like this. Because, today I am alive. I have not been shot and killed for publicly expressing my opinion on life. I have not been physically injured, or forced into hiding.

See, there are many things wrong with Canada, and I am often ashamed of what my country stands for. However, I am well aware that being able to stand up and protest my opinion that, Canada not having any law about abortion is incredibly unjust, is something I would not be permitted to do in many parts of the world.

That being said, I would like to talk a little bit about my experience yesterday at the March.

First of all, the number of young people there was truly unbelievable. It makes my so proud of, not only my generation, but of the next. We need more and more young people protesting this injustice. I think it in so wonderful that we are able to recognize that we are missing a great number of our generation, and that that is outrageous and unfair. So, if you were a young person out there yesterday, thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to come.

Second, I would like to remark on the media. EWTN was there to cover the March, which is amazing. Click here for details on when the segment will air. The March was also covered by some other, non-Catholic, media sources, which is a step up from other years. However, this is what blows me away. Yesterday there was a grand total of 25, 000 people in front of the Parliament Buildings. 25,000 pro-life advocates. Did you get that? 25,000. That is a lot of people. Now, imagine there was some other protest going on at Parliament Hill, and that many people showed up. Would that not be front page, breaking news worthy? I'd say yes, more then likely. But, when there are 25,000 people peacefully (at least for the most part) protesting the unjust murder of millions of babies in our country (this year specifically focusing on female gendercide), there was very little (and even less accurate) news coverage. Is our country really that terrified of people peacefully defending infants?

I have a few other things I want to say on this topic, but those will wait for another day. I don't want to bore you! So, thank you if you defend life from conception to natural death- Remember that "if the world hates you,  you know that it hated [Jesus] before it hated you." John 15:18

Keep praying for those wee babies! And, God bless you for your efforts!

My sister, Katie and I.

-Emily xo

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