Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day, Momma!

If you're a Mother, I am wishing you a beautiful, happy & blessed Mother's Day. Please know how important you are, not only to your children, but to the whole of society.

In honour of my own Mom, I am writing a letter to thank her.
Momma & I at my Prom

Dear Momma,

Happy Mother's Day! Thank you for being the best mother I could have ever asked for or ever imagined. Thank you for always being here, and always placing your role as a Mom before all else. I know I speak for all of us when I say, we are blessed to have you, and we love you.

You have sacrificed so much of yourself to raise all of us, and I hope we make you proud every single day. Thank you for giving up your quiet morning prayer time and cup of coffee for a waking baby who needs breakfast. Thank you for sacrificing fancy dates for a family movie night and watching Toy Story for the hundredth time. Thank you for sacrificing leisurely shopping trips for crazy trips for the grocery store with fussy little toddlers. Thank you for doing without brand new clothes so I could have the prettiest prom dress. Thank you for staying up late because I had a fever instead of going to bed after a very long day.

Thank you for praying for me, always. Thank you for holding my hand and teaching me how to kneel, fold my hands and say my prayers. Thank you for showing me, by your most beautiful example, how to be a woman of God, how to be a woman who has the humility and grace to submit to Daddy, and allow him to lead our home to our Heavenly Father. Thank you for teaching me how to serve everyone around me. Thank you for showing me how to be a kind, loving witness for God and of all things the Catholic Church stands for. Thank you for disciplining me and setting rules so I could learn, strive and grow within them.

Thank you for loving Daddy with you whole heart. Thank you for the way you meet him at the door when he comes home from work, with a kiss and a smile. Thank you for showing me how much you love him, and treasure him, and for teaching me what a good, holy marriage looks like. Thank you for blessing me with all my little siblings. They are my built in best friends, and I treasure the memories I continue to make with them. Thank you for using me as your babysitter a hundred times so I could learn a little bit about taking care of little ones.

Mom, you have shown me that being a woman, a wife and a mother is a privilege and gift. Thank you for never pushing me into a career or school that would have suffocated me. Thank you, for instead showing me that it's okay to want to be a Wife and a Mother.

But most of all, thank you for loving me. Even when I make it difficult. This day is truly all about you. I hope you can enjoy, and that you are able to see just how much you mean to me.

I love you, Momma.

A hundred hugs and kisses,

Emily xo

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