Friday, May 3, 2013

I Do, Forever...

All I have ever wanted to be when I 'grew up' was a wife and a Mom. I wanted to get married to the handsomest man who loved me more deeply and passionately then I had ever been loved before. A man who would promise to love me and care for me until the end of time. I wanted to share my heart and my home with him, and I wanted him to be the caring, loving, perfectly imperfect father of my children.

And, I wanted to experience a growing stomach as a baby formed in my womb. I wanted to feel a little one move and kick. I wanted to know my body was housing a beautiful new life, and I would have the privilege to give birth to a little baby God had given my husband and I to raise and lead to Him.

When I thought about my future it was always may safe place, so to speak. The place where my simple dreams for a wonderful life lived. I believe that is the life God is calling me to, and looking forward to that life has always been a haven of sorts.

However, as I got older I realized society has a very negative idea of my dream life, and it's because of societies warped view on motherhood and family that I find myself full of anxiety about my future. I have been openly told that my boyfriend and I are too young to be in love, and  if we get married it won't last because it's our first relationship. I have been told I need to go to school before I can get married, because otherwise I will not be able to afford an excessive life. I have been asked why I would want to have a house full of children. I have questioned on my sanity for believing marriage is forever, and in-disposable, and that sex before marriage is out of the question.

Society destroys family before it even has a chance to begin. I am privileged to have been raised in the home I was. My Mom had 9 children, and stayed at home to raise us. My father worked hard and was the spiritual leader of our home. We had more then what we needed. This background has given me the backbone I need to stand up to societies pressures and opinions. I am not saying they don't effect me, because of course they do. But, I am better able to preserve what I believe in because of my faith, and the guidance I was given growing up.

Some people are not as blessed as I am. I know young women who have come from broken homes, but so desire a future like I feel called to. Without faith, and without a solid family base, it is hard to stand up to society. It's a challenge to persevere in a good, family oriented life when society tells you otherwise, and when you are constantly looked down upon for having the opinions that they do.

As a society  we need to work on readjusting this warped view of family and marriage. We need to promote sex within marriage, good, holy couples, lasting and committed marriages, child-rearing marriages and love. True love; not lust.

We need to heal the hurt in the world by starting at home. We need to begin within our own homes, and be an example to a starving, hurting world.

Pray with me for healing hearts!

Emily xo

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