Monday, June 24, 2013

Happy Graduation Day!

On Friday, my sweet little sister graduated from Elementary school...I cannot believe she's finished grade 8, and next year will be entering the scary, ruthless world of high school. She grew up too fast, and time passed too quickly.

She received a lovely award that credited her with a successful time at the small, rural school she's wrapped up at. She looked so beautiful and smiled so wide. But, I am sure beneath that glowing grin there was a tiny bit of heartbreak as she recognized the sadness that accompanies the good bye to a 9 year friendship, with the school, staff, and students that are headed a different way next year. There was probably a reasonable amount of panic as she madly planned how she will spend every possible moment making this summer the most memorable yet. And, there was also some strange mixture of excitement and fear that can only accompany the knowledge that two months from now she will be entering an entirely new stage in life.

If you too are graduating then I wish you a thousand congratulations and many blessings. Keep the above quote close to your heart, every day, and remember that doing what is right is the most challenging and the most worthwhile thing you can do. If I could give my little sister one piece of advice, this is what it would be. Standing up for what we believe in, as Catholics and as children of a merciful & loving God, is especially challenging in a high school environment. I hope this inspires you!

Congratulations, baby!

-Emily xo

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