Thursday, June 20, 2013

Painting your Eyes

The other day I called home while I was at work. My sister answered the phone, and I said, "What's up?"

An innocent question, no?

Her response went something like this... "Wellllll, Tessa found Mom's lipstick, and she put it on her eyes. Mom and Katie have tried everything to get it off, but it is still on there."

Okay, this is fairly hilarious. But, there are a couple things that make it even more funny. First of all, I don't think I have ever seen my Mother wear lipstick, so I have no idea where Tessa found it. I mean, she is 2 and a half, and if you have any experience with 2 1/2 year olds then you know that they find things you didn't even know you had, and they are always things you don't want them to get their hands on. But I will admit, I am curious as to not only where in the world this lipstick came from, but as to how the heck old it is!

The second thing is that, although I am sure my Mom and sister were alarmed to find she had 'painted her eyes', as she says, they had the piece of mind to take pictures. I am so, so thankful for cameras, and camera phones at this moment. I am even more thankful that Katie and Mom took pictures, because now, as long as she lives, we have proof of this moment. Will this not be fabulous to show future boyfriends? I cannot wait.

Hahaha...I hope this makes you smile.

-Emily xo

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