Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Proms and Birthday at the Troutman House

In the last week my seventeen year old brother attended his senior prom, and my little sister celebrated her sweet sixteen.

I am feeling very old.

It's funny how time passes so quickly, and we forget to even notice. It seems like not long ago that my brother began kindergarten, and refused to draw a person, as the teacher requested. He drew a tiger. He's always had a mind of his own.

It seems like not many years ago we used to play 'motorcycles' by driving our bikes around the yard, and play British Bulldog on the lawn. He was often reduced to tears at the sound of my parent's calling us in at dusk for bedtime. And, not so long ago his dreams of a future included being a hockey player priest like Father Eve (a family friend).

It is crazy to me that he attended his senior prom in a sharp looking suit, and stood next to his date, in her stunning gown. I cannot believe he now towers over me, and can play volleyball better then anyone I know. It wasn't so long ago that he needed me to lift him up to reach something on the counter, or needed my help with something nearly every day.

I love my brother dearly, but time has passed far to quickly in our relationship. I am deathly afraid that I haven't made the most of every moment we have had together, and that one day he may not hold dear to the memories we could have had together.

As for my sister's sweet sixteen...I still remember finding her at the bottom of the stairs, where she'd emptied the entire contents of a cereal box. I can still picture her in the baby seat on the back of my Mom's bicycle when we went on long (or at least they seemed long) bike rides. I remember her and my brother having a rooster farm, and saving the mice we found in our chicken coop. She's always been a little tom boy...but she isn't any more. She is a gorgeous young lady. Gorgeous. I am so blessed to know her, and to call her my sister!

I hope I can treasure every moment I have with her so that we don't loose even one potential memory. I know I have failed in the past, and let moments pass by without really taking note. But, this is my commitment...not only in these relationships, but with every relationship: to always, always be truly present, and be constantly making memories.

Time passes far to fast, and we never know when it will pass us by. We need to make the most of every breath.

Here's to making memories! Many blessings,

Emily xo

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