Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Start of Something New

In June I wrote a post wishing my little sister, Mary, a happy graduation. She graduated from 8th grade from a small, local school of just over 100 students. It was an exciting, nostalgic day for all of us, I am sure (I still cannot believe that was me 7 years ago...time flies). 

On September 3, 2013, the day before her 14th birthday, Mary will begin a new part of her life. High school. I am proud & excited for her. But, part of me wishes she could hold onto her innocent youth for just awhile longer. High school is hard, & I know she'll be fine, but that doesn't stop my over-protective big sister sense from going into overdrive. She has a good head on her shoulders. I know she'll succeed. I still worry, though. Of course. 

Anyway, today I was thinking about my first year of high school & how hard it was for me to find my identity in a new, larger school, with girls who could be downright mean. This morning, on my way to work, I heard the song, My Wish (Rascal Flatts). That was the song that played as I walked down the aisle, out of my high school, in my cap & gown, 3 years ago. 

If you've never heard the song, go have yourself a listen. I love it. And, it never fails to take me back to that packed school gymnasium 3 years ago, where I met my Mother's tear filled eyes that glowed with pride. I loved high school by the time I graduated. I had made some wonderful friends, the best memories & had truly given it everything I could.

Maybe you're starting high school this year...I wish you all the best. It does get better, I promise. Do not be afraid to be yourself. It's the best version of you  that you can be. Get involved- that is the best way to find people interested & passionate about the same things you are. And, it will pass as quickly as it arrived. Treasure the moments as they come, and thank God for every opportunity He gives you to be His light, even when it seems impossible & fruitless.

I am praying for you, no matter what chapter of life you're beginning this fall. Maybe it's motherhood, maybe it's a new career, maybe is collage... Whatever it is, He is with you!

Emily xo

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