Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Cleanse

It's that time again...Christmas is only a week away, and we are all working away to make our homes "as fair as we are able". We are looking East, anticipating the arrival of our most humble and glorious King.

Maybe you've "trimmed the hearth & set the table", maybe your tree is up and the twinkling lights are on, maybe you've pulled out every green and red piece of clothing you own to decide what you'll wear on Christmas morning, and maybe your gifts are wrapped.

And, you are also probably preparing your hearts for His arrival. Maybe you have a Jesse tree, or you are saying extra prayers or reading extra scriptures as you make your heart ready. Maybe you're making an extra effort to attend daily Mass, or you're giving more of yourself to those around you.

But, what about your soul? Have you prepared your soul?

Growing up, the sacrament of Reconciliation was a part of our life, all year. My parents made sure we attended on a fairly regular basis. As I have gotten older I realized something. Often times, for many Catholics, Reconciliation is presented more as an option.
"We are offering a Penitential Service Wednesday night, if you'd like to attend."
It isn't an option, though. It is necessary. If you miss Mass on a holy day of obligation then you cannot receive Communion. It's not that you shouldn't receive, but you actually cannot. It's piling one mortal sin on top of another. If you're unfaithful in your marriage, living in sin throughout the week, you cannot attend Mass and receive Communion without first attending Confession.

With Christmas a week away I just wanted to remind you of the importance and necessity of you attending Confession. I don't mean just in preparation before Christmas, but try making a plan...go once a month, every week, every day. Just get there as often as you can. It is unpleasant, humbling and tempting to avoid. Satan works in the unpleasantness of the thought of confessing your imperfections, sins and downfalls to a priest and to God. Do not let evilness prevail..kick it to the curb and bite the bullet.

Go to Confession. You will never regret it.

"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Matt. 24:36

We must always be ready.

Emily xo

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Christmas is Coming-Budget Friendly DIYs

Christmas is coming! I love Christmastime & I am so excited. I hope you are too! So, of course I have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to Christmas-y type things, with baking, DIY, decorations, and gift ideas... but, I though I would also do a quick post about brilliant DIY Christmas ideas that I have already tried, or plan on doing. {It's a verrry budget friendly Christmas this year...being a student has taken a serious toll on my bank account!}

good idea for recycled ornaments

My first item is this ornament. I think this is a really cute, simple idea. You can use an old ornament you already have lying around, you can buy a package of cheap ones at the dollar store or you can buy some round, foam balls from Michael's or other craft stores. You could use any scraps of fabric you have lying around, and tie a nice, festive ribbon at the top & buy some little pieces of fake holly at the dollar store. 

I haven't tried this one yet, but it's on my list!

Easy DIY Holiday Crafts - Glamorous  Tree - Click pic for 25 Handmade Christmas Cards Ideas for Kids

I did try my own variation of this & was really pleased with how it turned out...however, if you're mailing cards you may want to avoid using buttons, as it can be more heavy than a typical card may be.

DIY Christmas Cards

I also tested this one out, using my own variation. I used pieces of ribbon, instead of drawing the strings as they did in this one. Either way I think it looks cute!

Toy Jars-great idea for Christmas!

I haven't done this one yet, but I plan on it! I think this is what the boys will be getting for Christmas. It's a quick, easy & cute idea. You could even fill them with candies of baking for Christmas!

Mason Jar Craft Idea!

This one is also on my to-do list. I think my Mom may be getting this under the tree this year. It's easy & cute, & made from mostly things you've already got lying around. 

50 DIY Christmas Gifts

I think this would be a cute idea for kids {big & small, haha}. I mean, who doesn't love s'mores?

DIY Christmas Gift Ideas #handmadegifts #christmas

This is another really great, inexpensive gift for friends or family. I gave jars with brownie mix to my friends last year & they were a huge hit! I just attached a little tag with baking instructions. It's a perfect gift for someone with a sweet tooth, but who is busy & doesn't have time to whip up some treats from scratch.

DIY Christmas Gift Packaging For Cookies. I'm going to have to steal this idea. They use muffin cups to separate cookies...hmm I wonder if I could make my cookies the same size so they all fit...

I really love to bake, so I am always looking for cute, creative ways to wrap up some Christmas baking. Last year I did this and packaged some cookies up in them and gave it to my boss. It's the perfect size for cookies and makes a fabulous, budget friendly gift. 

Reindeer Cocoa Cones1 DIY Christmas Gift: Reindeer Hot Cocoa Cones

I have yet to try this one, but I think it is great for kids. Use an icing bag & fill it part way with hot cocoa powder and top it with some marshmallows. Use a brown pipe-cleaner for antlers, give Rudolph some eyes & a red nose & you're good to go!

Well, I hope this gives you some inspiration. Happy creating & crafting!

{Remember to click the photos for links and visit my Pinterest board for some more ideas}

Emily xo

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


When I was at work the other day a Mother came in with her 2 girls. The younger of the two was probably around seven & the older one was probably around twelve. The twelve year old stood barely four & a half feet tall. She was cute & had a quiet, child-like voice. As I spoke to her and I realized something. She was wearing a lot of make up.

I am twenty one. I didn't have any makeup on this particular day. I wear makeup, probably an average of once a week, at the very most. I never wore make up when I was in high school and I certainly didn't wear it when I was twelve.

As I looked at this young girl before me I realized something...She looked sad. Her face was covered with makeup, masking the little, innocent child she should still be allowed to be. Instead she's covering up her childhood with powder on a brush and mascara on a wand. She's wearing jeans that hug her skinny legs, despite their lack of curves. She's trying so desperately to show the world she isn't a child. 

Beneath the long, mascara covered lashes her blue eyes could hardly meet mine as I spoke to her. They darted around like she was terrified I would see through her carefully put together disguise. She's fooled everyone but it was as if she was afraid to meet the careful, watchful eyes of the world for fear they'd call her out as a child beneath her mask. For a single moment though, her eyes caught mine...

They looked sad. And confused. Maybe she'd dug herself so deep in this lie, trying to hide her innocence, that she wants an escape. Maybe she's realized that being older isn't all it's cracked up to be and she misses the childhood she should be living. 

This Christmas I wish we, as a society, could give children back their childhoods and give their spirits back their innocence. 

Let the children be children. 

Emily xo

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It's Not Just About A Right

I am fairly certain this video is making it's way around every social media outlet, but if you haven't wacthed it yet, please do.

It's beautiful.

p.s. go get yourself some kleenex first!


Emily xo

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Christmas is Coming-1st Sunday of Advent

Happy 1st week of Advent, everyone!

Be Ready...

Today we light the first purple candle on our wreath. And, the focus of this week is "Be Ready". The Latin meaning of the word Advent is 'coming'. For Catholics, it means the Lord is coming and we are preparing for Him. The entire purpose of Advent is to 'be ready'. Focusing on it for the first week sets the base for the next four weeks as we ready our souls and hearts for Jesus' birth.

How are you going to prepare and be ready for our King?

Here are some suggestions for you;

-go to Confession. Start Advent off right and with a clean slate.

-Come up with an Action. As Catholics, we don't necessarily give something up, or fast, during Advent as we do during Lent. However, this is a high, holy season. I suggest maybe choosing something to do, rather then something to not do. For example, pick one thing, each day that you will do to either improve you spiritual well being or something you will do for someone else.

-Make an Advent Calendar. Our society has all these crazy, candy filled Advent calendars. I suggest that you don't buy those. Make your own, minus the candy {I know, that's less fun, but remember we are preparing for our King...you will get lots of treats on Christmas, when He arrives & we are in full celebratory mode!}. Instead of treats & what not, write the feast days of Saints that fall through Advent so you remember to meditate on their lives {St. Nicholas, Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Lucy...}. On other days have little tasks like, 'bake cookies for someone who's lonely' or little prayers. You can also have things like, 'say three Hail Mary's for someone who's sick this Christmas'.

-Attend Mass. If you are able, attend Mass more than just on Sundays. It's good spiritual exercise.

Have a holy, good first week of Advent. I am praying for you.

-Emily xo