Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Cleanse

It's that time again...Christmas is only a week away, and we are all working away to make our homes "as fair as we are able". We are looking East, anticipating the arrival of our most humble and glorious King.

Maybe you've "trimmed the hearth & set the table", maybe your tree is up and the twinkling lights are on, maybe you've pulled out every green and red piece of clothing you own to decide what you'll wear on Christmas morning, and maybe your gifts are wrapped.

And, you are also probably preparing your hearts for His arrival. Maybe you have a Jesse tree, or you are saying extra prayers or reading extra scriptures as you make your heart ready. Maybe you're making an extra effort to attend daily Mass, or you're giving more of yourself to those around you.

But, what about your soul? Have you prepared your soul?

Growing up, the sacrament of Reconciliation was a part of our life, all year. My parents made sure we attended on a fairly regular basis. As I have gotten older I realized something. Often times, for many Catholics, Reconciliation is presented more as an option.
"We are offering a Penitential Service Wednesday night, if you'd like to attend."
It isn't an option, though. It is necessary. If you miss Mass on a holy day of obligation then you cannot receive Communion. It's not that you shouldn't receive, but you actually cannot. It's piling one mortal sin on top of another. If you're unfaithful in your marriage, living in sin throughout the week, you cannot attend Mass and receive Communion without first attending Confession.

With Christmas a week away I just wanted to remind you of the importance and necessity of you attending Confession. I don't mean just in preparation before Christmas, but try making a plan...go once a month, every week, every day. Just get there as often as you can. It is unpleasant, humbling and tempting to avoid. Satan works in the unpleasantness of the thought of confessing your imperfections, sins and downfalls to a priest and to God. Do not let evilness prevail..kick it to the curb and bite the bullet.

Go to Confession. You will never regret it.

"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Matt. 24:36

We must always be ready.

Emily xo

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