Thursday, February 6, 2014

Is Valentine's Day a Silly Celebration?

You probably noticed that as soon as Christmas was over the store shelves were cleared of all things red, gold and green and they were quickly replaced with pink and white hearts and candies. Our world has become consumed with Valentine's day, and it has absolutely nothing to do with St. Valentine {who really is deserving of some attention here, come on!}.

But, I think often times we are quick to brush off Valentine's day as nothing more than ridiculous, and added pressure to do something special for those we love. But, here is what I think

1. We should not find it burdensome to celebrate our love. We are called to love everyone around us. I don't think it is silly, or stupid to take a day to acknowledge your love of your spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend. Look at is as an added opportunity to serve and love them {St. Valentine died rather than renounce his faith in God. His love was larger than life, and a beautiful example of how we need to sacrifice to love more deeply}.

2. Love deserves celebration. Love is hard work, sacrifice and a lot of the time it can be downright difficult and unpleasant. But, it is worth it. God designed us for give and to receive love. He never promised an easy, merry-go-round romance, but He did promise His love would be infinite and unconditional. Take a moment and look at your life. How has He proven that love to you {not that we need anymore proof, He died on the cross for us for goodness sake!}? Is it in the face of your spouse, in the eyes of your Mother, in the smile of your boyfriend? The love God has given us is worth celebrating.

3. Valentine's Day is an opportunity for honoring. When I was on NET they instilled in us the critical importance of loving AND honoring one another. In big ways and in small ways, honoring one another to show our appreciation and gratefulness for their life and all they have done. In 1 Peter 2:17 it says, "Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood.". We need to show our love, respect and appreciation for those whom we love. Valentine's day offers an opportunity to show that. 

So ladies, don't say the all too familiar line, suggesting Valentine's day is stupid and not worth acknowledging. And gentlemen, don't say it's a secular world's way of pressuring men into buying flowers and chocolate. It is more. It's a celebration of something that's hard, beautiful and worthwhile and a celebration of someone who is wonderful, and deserving of being celebrated. Ladies, celebrate your husband, boyfriend, sister, best friend, and parents. Men, celebrate your wives, girlfriends, mothers and sisters. 

St. Valentine, pray for us!

Emily xo

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