Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Art of Avoiding Cynicism

I have noticed lately that I sometime can be quite cynical. Every once in awhile I slide into a rut & I start to view the world around me in a 'glass half empty' sort of way. That is certainly not the type of person I desire to be, or who I aim to be, but occasionally I fall victim.

I am sure (or I hope) that I am not the only one who gets like this. So, the real question is, how do we avoid it?

1. Be aware of who you spend your time with. I have just finished school and begun working in a Long Term Care Facility. A lot of the people I work with have been doing this job for a long time and become quite cynical about it. For example, I was expressing to a fellow employee my excitement of getting to wear patterned scrubs (we were only allowed to wear solid colours while we were in school) and she simply replied, "Don't kid yourself, the novelty will soon wear off." Surrounding ourselves with people who view the world negatively effects us, no matter how joyful we pride ourselves on being. It is important to be aware of who we spend our time with. 

2. Guard what you let into your home (or car, office, etc.). I make it a point to limit the amount of news I listen to. I realize that it is important to be aware of current events and I make myself aware of what I feel I need to know and I pray about the rest. If I allow myself to listen and watch the new regularly I become quite pessimistic about the state of the world; I become discouraged and feel a sense of hopelessness. If I feel I need to keep up on the news than I am very careful to balance the information I am receiving through secular worldwide media with news directly related to my faith and stories of hope and love. These stories are out there but we often have to seek them; they are not as easily available. Guarding what media you have on your television and radio is important.

3. Be discerning in your entertainment. I am directly effected by the books I read and the shows I watch. Next time you read a book or watch a show pay attention, real attention, to how the book or show makes you feel. It's easy to pretend it is an escape from the world and to say it's how you unwind, but often times there is a direct relation to how we act and feel and what we fill our entertainment time with. 

4. Don't be lazy. There is a difference between relaxing and being lazy. Relaxing is important to maintaining your physical and mental health; being lazy will destroy it. The more time you spend lying around, lacking motivation and not being active the more down you will feel. Get up, make a plan and do something. 

5. Pray. Satan wants us to fall to the temptation of being pessimistic. There is nothing that will take us further from God and closer to his waiting grasp. Do not underestimate the power of prayer.

God bless,

Emily xo

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