Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Happy Tuesday

Tuesday is a good day, right? We have passed by that awful Monday, but it is still early in the week and we have not quite remembered why we hate Monday through Friday. It is kind of like this weird sort of wonderful where you forget about real life.

I have decided that Tuesday is going to be a special day on Sweet Little Things. Every Tuesday I am going to make a list of things I am grateful for. Like, for example, my dog, Missy. I will tell why I am particularly thankful for those things this week. Sound good?

So this week I am super grateful for my car. My car (which I have named Hiram) and I have a love-hate relationship most of the time. I have put a lot of money into my baby trying to make sure it always succeeds in getting me from point A to point B. However, other then a flat tire a few weeks back I haven't had much trouble with dear old Hiram lately. So, I am thankful that he can always get me to work and home safely! Praise God!

I am also thankful for my dear boyfriend Troy. He is always looking after me and I don't know how I would navigate life without him. He is my better half and I can always trust him to guard my heart and my soul. Thank you, God, for Troy!

And, here he is! This was taken back in April at my Aunt Teresa's beautiful wedding at St. Michael's Catholic Church.
What are you grateful for today ladies and gents?

Blessings & love,

Emm xo

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