Monday, August 27, 2012


Ok- so this evening I attempted Macaroons because they are seriously so delicious and I figured if I could nail making them then I would save money (which is really the goal in life).

So here is the recipe I used. Try 'em and let me know what you think!

Mine turned out not too shabby. They didn't look to fantastic, but they taste wonderful. I think with a few more tries I could get good. Here's to hoping anyway!


-3/4 cup ground almonds
-1 cup icing sugar
-2 large eggs whites
-1/4 cup white sugar
-1/2 tsp Vanilla extract


-Nutella (mmmm!)

1. Line 2 baking sheets with wax paper (parchment paper).
2. Sift ground almonds and icing sugar into a bowl and mix well
3. Place the 2 eggs whites in a bowl, and using an electric mixer, mix until soft peaks begin to form. Slowly mix in white sugar til a meringue begins to form. Mix in vanilla.
4. Fold almond mixture into meringue a little at a time. Once all the dry ingredients are mixed in a batter with ribbon-like consistence should begin to form.
5. Pour batter into a pastry bag with a 1/2" plain tip. Pipe 32 small circles onto the wax paper lined baking sheets. Lightly tap the sheets on a hard surface to get rid of any bubbles. Let stand at room temp. for half an hour.
6.Preheat over to 325F. Once preheated, bake for 10-15 mins. Let cool for 10 mins and then peel macaroons off the wax paper and let cool completely.
7. Sandwich macaroons together using Nutella

YUM! Enjoy!

I suggest you enjoy one with a cuppa tea darlings!


Emily xo

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