Monday, August 27, 2012

Back to School & Eating Healthy

Ah, back to school. Don't we all have mixed feeling towards this time of year? I mean, it is exciting in a way, but then again, it means we have to once again have structure in our lives. No more beach days whenever we feel like it. Sadness...
Whether you are a Momma, a student or just a single lady working her bum off (me!) this time of year has the same impact on your diet. See, as a Mom you're more then likely trying to manage the craziness of sending your kiddies off to school everyday, and work and keep up with your house. So, that might mean a bigger temptations to swing by and grab some fast food on your way home. And, before to long you're feeling some extra snugness around your waistline.

If you're a student then back to school means cafeteria and fast food over load. I know, you say you're not going to eat that stuff, but a few weeks in when you keep running out of time to pack a decent lunch in your rush to leave the house in the morning you have only one option. Fat and grease for lunch- yum. Oh, wait, my pants are getting snug- Bummer!

And, if you're like me, and you're living in a rough little apartment and dreaming of your forevers then this time of year means one thing. Fall has arrived. And, who doesn't love fall? It is truly wonderful-all those cozy (& ridiculously cute) pull overs, beautiful light jackets, trees turning colours, snuggling up on the sofa with a cup of tea and of course, all those fall and winter comfort foods. You know what I mean. Those tasty, hearty meals that we all jam into us. And, we too are feeling the impact of a growing waist line. Grrrr...

So, I am here to save your pants. Well, I hope to anyway. I am going to share with you a wee trick my Mom has been doing for years. And, she looks super fantastic for having nine children! So, I figure there is something to this lifestyle of hers. I think she maybe read of this diet somewhere, but I am not sure. Either way, I'll share it with you.

Fruitful Mornings, that's what I have taken to calling it. So, here's what you do: you eat only fruit until noon. That is it. I know-you're thinking that you'll be hungry. But, here's the trick to avoid that..

When you wake up grab a piece of fruit and chow down, then get ready for your day. Just before you leave the house, eat another one. If you have a long drive to work or school, you may want to take one for the road. And, all morning just munch on fruit when you feel a hunger coming on. It works like a charm and it so good for you! It is a fabulous way of getting in most of your 5-10 fruits and veggies a day, and you honestly have so much more energy for the rest of the day. It is so great.

For the most part, having a quick snack is an option. If you're a student, a banana or some berries is something quick you can eat between class. If you're working, most office jobs allow you a quick snack now and then. The best part is that if for some reason one day you just can't eat more then once because of a big meeting or an exam you can break this Fruitful Morning plan and go back to it the next day. It is way less hard to go back to then breaking a diet or avoiding sugar or something.

So try it out and let me know what you think. I would also suggest that if you are a caffeine addict that you try to break yourself of your coffee habit this fall and switch to green tea. It gives you an energy kick, and it really good for you.

Well, best of luck on keeping that waistline down and have a fabulous back to school time!



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