Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Summer Shavin'

Ok- yes I am aware that summer is basically over, but I wanted to share with you some lovely tips for keeping your gorgeous legs super smooth. You will just have to remember this for next summer, or for you winter vacation to somewhere tropical, right?

Alright, step one- Exfoliate! Apparently this helps expose teeny hairs that would usually be hidden under your skin, which leads to a better, longer lasting smoothness, and who doesn't want that!

Step two- Conditioner. Yes, that's right- the same stuff you use to make your hair soft and smooth works on your legs. I find that using conditioner (any kinds you want!) as a shaving cream leaves your legs feeling much smoother and more hydrated. So, when you towel off your legs require less lotioning. It helps prevent that dry desert limb look.

Anyway, give it a try and let me know what you think. And, share your own tips and tricks, because ladies, we need to stick together with the shaving nonsense!

Lots of love, & wishing you extra smooth legs for those last few warm days of summer sunshine,


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