Friday, October 26, 2012

21 Reasons I Will Always Need You...

Today is Friday, yet again. Tonight I am heading home for supper and movie night! My younger sister has invited me over to watch The Vow with her tonight. We have both already seen it, but it's so good, so how could we not watch it again?

So in thinking about going there tonight, I thought about how I will forever need my family. I am nearly twenty one years old and I would still rather be with my family and boyfriend then anywhere else in the entire world. I mean that.

I am such a total home body! After having my friend here last week I came to that realization. My friend and I had a lovely visit and it was wonderful having her here, but I was thoroughly exhausted by the end of the week! I would rather be at home hanging out then being out and about doing things! And, although I have my own place now, I would still rather (most of the time) be at home at my parent's house then at my apartment. Not because of the house, but because of who is there.

I have come up with a list of reasons why I will always need my family, and of things they've taught me, thus far. Enjoy!

1. I need someone to bounce ideas and dreams off who will be totally honest, even if I don't always find it helpful.
2. Without my Dad and brothers, who the heck is going to come running when I have a flat tire or my car breaks down?
3. Who else can accurately remind me of the crazy, reckless child I used to be?
4. They are my grounding force and can always help me remember what is truly important.
5. The boys teach me more about Star Wars then I would have ever been capable of learning on my own.
6. They remind me of the fun (and importance) of front yard games of British Bulldog, Football or Baseball.
7. They will still be there even after I yell at them, waiting for an apology.
8. My Mom will always be a phone call away when I can't remember how to make pie crust, fried chicken or potato soup.
9. My parents will always be the voice of reason when I feel I am battling in a losing war.
10. My siblings will be my protectors and no one stands a chance against them if I get hurt.
11. Daddy will always see me as a princess, even when I see myself as a tattered Cinderella before the ball.
12. No matter how far away I get, my family will always say the Rosary together at night and I will be there, in their hearts.
13. My Mom will always remind me of something that the Bible and the Church promises me when I face any trial.
14. They always will each, in a different way, inspire me to be the very best version of myself.
15. I have 4 built in best girl friends who I can always be myself with, 100%!
16. My brothers show me, every day, how very, very different they are from little girls. I have learned, over and over again, the value of a good, old fashioned wrestling match on the living room floor.
17. My parents will always be a reminder to me of extremely hard work and dedication.
18. Mom and Dad will forever by my example of a beautiful, fruitful marriage.
19. My brother is my reminder to be joyful in all things. No matter what's going on, a song is always on his lips, or on his phone at least!
20. My siblings are my reminder to always be a good example, because they watch my every move.
21. I will forever need my family because they never stop loving me, even when they stop liking me. That is a true and rare blessing!

I challenge each of you to make a list of reasons why you need your family, or what they have taught you. You don't have to show anyone, but it will just help you to remember why you love them, because sometimes it is easy to get caught up in why we don't like someone and we forget why we love them anyway.

Have a safe, happy and blessed weekend!

Many prayers,


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