Friday, October 19, 2012

Protecting Your Angels

Okay, so I am not a mother, and I will not pretend to know the trials, joys and sorrows of being one. However, I am a daughter, a big sister and hopefully, one day, I will be a Momma. 

I know there are a lot of tough decisions you have to make as a parent. Should she be allowed to go to this party? Out with that boy? To that sports game? Should she be on contraceptives? Should she be vaccinated? If so, what ones do I allow, which ones do I say no to?

Today I came across a very disturbing article. It is entitled "Teenage Girl Becomes Infertile after Gardasil Vaccination" and is written by Steven Mosher & Elizabeth Crnkovich. The article tells the story of a 16 year old Australian girl who received the Garasil vaccination in 2008 and has since experienced "premature ovarian failure". The doctor that diagnosed her said that she cannot say for sure that Gardasil was the cause, but they have ruled out all other possible causes. 

I have linked the article at the bottom of this blog for you to check out & read more about the vaccine, which is strongly promoted in schools for 11 & 12 year old girls. I have also heard rumours that they have recently come out with one for boys as well. I am not sure that that is true, but I have heard it. I think the article is definitely worth some attention, because if Gardasil is causing some serious infertility issues in your daughters, sisters, or even yourself, then we're living in a pretty scary world.

The article also says that immediately after this young lady received the vaccine she experienced irregularity in menstruation and was told by her physician to take oral birth control. She refused, but it is believed that is she had agreed then the symptoms of this early menopause may have been masked and never correctly diagnosed. I wonder if there are not more woman out there suffering from awful impacts of Gardasil, and may not be aware because the are taking contraceptives?

So, an interesting read and worthwhile sharing! 

Protect your little angels, and don't let them get the vaccine. I have never had it because my parents said 'no' when the school tried to force it on me. I am now more thankful then ever that the didn't agree to it. I sent my Mom an email this morning with a link to the article for her to pass on and thanking her for not allowing me to get it.

Anyway, have a lovely weekend Internet!

Love & prayers,


Article Link:

As a little disclaimer, I am a Catholic, and the reasons my parents chose not to vaccinate me with the Gardasil vaccination was, at the time, purely a choice of morality and faith. 

They, and I, believe that since this vaccine protects against HPV, which is transmitted through sexual intercourse, it should not be necessary. My siblings and I were taught that sex out of marriage is morally unacceptable and against the teachings of our faith, so contracting this disease should not be an issue if we live according to our faith. 
I know some people will say, "What if I am raped?" Fair enough. However, if I am raped then there are going to be a lot of issues that I will need to deal with, and I do not think I will care if I was vaccinated against HPV at that moment. I would also rather take that risk, and pray that that never happens, because I do not want to do anything to destroy the possibility of having children one day.

I also do not believe in the use of contraceptives for any reason. My faith and morals being the primary reasons, and I have also done research and I have not liked the medical stats on those using contraceptives.

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