Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Hometown Tourist

Hey ya'll!

I hope you are all having a lovely Thursday! I am exhausted, so apologies in advance if this is all over the place!

This week I have a friend staying with me who is visiting from Alberta. I met her when I was serving with NET Ministries in 2010. Now she has come to visit my lovely province for the first time. Yay!

I picked her up at the airport on Tuesday and we went on to explore the city. I live about an hour and a half from the airport, and go to the city often enough. But, I also take for granted that I live near it and never do tourist-y type things. As any good tour guide, I tried to take my friend to all the places you would typically visit when going there. So, I was an all out tourist, with the camera and everything!

I brought her back to my apartment for the week, which is in a fairly small city of about 14,000 people or so. Needless to say, there is not a lot of touist-y type things going on. There are a lot of smaller towns near by that are fairly touristy in the summer months, but come the fall, a lot of things shut down. I am really having to get creative.

But, I truly am running out of ideas! Help! If any of you have any suggestions for things to show her in small town Ontario please share them.

I did however, come up with a brilliant idea of how we are going to spend this evening. My family. They are always good for entertainment and there is never, ever a dull moment in that house. She will meet them for the first time. Good luck, my dear, good luck!

I know this is a fairly 'lame' post, but I wanted to fill you in on the life of yours truly!

It's almost the weekend, so here's to the last bit of your week :)

God Bless,


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