Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day After Election Blues

It was election day in our next door neighbour's country yesterday. It's funny how our world is made up of so many countries, yet who the President of the United States is impacts, what seems like, the entire planet. Wouldn't it be terrifying to have that much pressure on your shoulders?

I will straight up tell you that I am not an Obama supporter. If you have read my other blogs then that likely won't shock you. I respect Obama, but I can respectfully disagree with nearly every decision he has made in the last four years. As a pro-life, true-definition-of-marriage supporting Catholic I cannot agree with Obama, and am bitterly disappointed in America choosing to elect him, yet again. But I refuse to be disheartened.

When I awoke this morning to a text from my sister saying "Obama won?!" my heart sank a wee bit. I feel as if it is one of those times when you tell a little child that the stove is hot, and you turn away and they reach out and touch is anyway. They cry as you bandage their burn, and a few days later they reach out with their other hand and touch the hot stove again. It's like they were not sure if history would repeat itself so they had to test it out.

People speculated that Obama could possibly ruin America when he was elected four years ago, and he lived up to those expectations. However, despite the speculations people wanted to give him a fair shot a Presidency. Americans, and pretty well the whole world, was disappointed in his performance and shook their heads about it. Then it comes to election time and the opportunity to de-throne Obama was presented, and everyone turned into children reaching for the hot stove a second time around. Now I am all for becoming faith, that is. When it comes to political decisions there is a reason that eighteen is the age at which you are permitted to make these choices.

This morning while browsing Facebook I came across something that struck my heart. Someone posted the following in regards to the election, "God is still God. I place my trust in Him alone."

Whoa-mind blown! How amazing is that reminder. God is still God, indeed! Obama being President may mean that God is dragged through the mud, that His name is placed beneath that of Obama, that people will disgrace Him in the name of Obama. But, hasn't God already endured all things for us? He has! Who the President is is a small matter because God is still God!

That being said, the President makes some pretty important decisions regarding America, and ultimately the entire world. So who the President is does matter, it is just a small matter compared to God. We just have to remember that our trust does not belong to President Obama (or our Prime Minister, or any earthly political leader), it belongs to our heavenly Father alone!

Does your heart not feel a little bit more hope? I hope so. Mine certainly did after reading that. Thank you to my friend who posted the lovely note!

Blessed be the name of our God.

God bless,


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