Friday, November 2, 2012

An Altogether Happy Friday

It's Friday again, Internet! I hope you are all enjoying this last day of your week and are all set for an absolutely wonderful weekend!

This morning, bright and early, I had a silly driving test. For those of you who live in Ontario, I had to get my G class license because my G2 expires soon. For those of you who don't live in Ontario, basically to get your full license you have three test; one written (G1) which allows you to drive with a licensed driver only and you have that for 8 months- one year; and two driving tests. The first driving test graduates you from your G1 to your G2, at which time you are permitted to drive on your own. This license expires after 5 years, so sometime during that you have to do your second road test (the one I did this morning) which gets you your full license.

I woke up bright and early, as my test was at 8:30am, and I had to be there half an hour early and the test centre is about a twenty minute drive from me. I hate these tests with a passion. I know, I know, hate is a strong word. But, seriously. When I had to do my G2 test I was a nervous wreck and when I got it I was a nervous wreck all over again because I knew in a few years I would have to do it all over again. However, it is now over. Thank Heavens! And, it wasn't even that bad!

After I did my test I was so happy and I realized I had a wee bit of time to kill before having to be at work, so I thought, "Timmie's, here I come!" It was busy, as per usual in the morning hours. So I went in rather then choosing the drive thru option. This was a dangerous decision. Typically, I am a green tea gal, once in awhile coffee, but usually green tea. However, when I went in I saw their tea lattes on a sign and who can resist a Chai Tea Latte with a Hazelnut shot? Seriously, who? Not Emily obviously. Then I saw a cute sign in front of a tray of Pumpkin Spice Muffins. And really, who can resist that? I let with a tray full of unhealthy-ness. Thank you Tim Hortons, thank you.

I also discovered something very exciting today. While I was waiting for my drive test I was sitting in my car in the parking lot of the test centre and out of sheer boredom, was playing with my window controls. The rear passenger side window in my car has never worked since I bought it almost two years ago. But, today when I was playing with the controls it went down! I know, crazy! Then I panicked because what if it didn't go back up? But it did, thankfully. I then proceeded to try it over & over again, just be sure I was not imagining anything. Hopefully my dear window keeps up this good behaviour!

Well that wraps up my Friday excitement. You're probably reading this thinking, "What in the world..." But you do not even understand how good this day is. It is also All Souls Day, so I know all the deceased members of my family and my dear friends must be praying for me extra today. I know I am praying for their lovely souls!

Since it's Friday evening, that means my weekend has kicked off! Yippee! What are you doing this weekend? Mine is jammed packed full of goodness.

I don't know about where you are, but where I live, the Rifle Deer Hunt kicks off this coming Monday, November 7th. So, in my lovely small town and all the small towns near by, that basically means everything shuts down and the men head to their hunt camps. The hunt lasts two weeks and, I'm not joking, nearly every man around here books off at least one of those weeks. Some woman do also, but mostly they stay home and resent their husbands. This is a big deal.

My darling boyfriend is one of these avid book-an-entire-week-off-and-stay-at-the-hunt-camp-ers. So it's adios dear Troy. This weekend is also basically a write off since the camp he goes to starts their extravaganza tonight and stay there til next Sunday. Since they can't hunt this weekend they just hang out and drink beer. Saturday night, however, they host a big spaghetti dinner and the wives, girlfriends, children, siblings and parents of the 4 guys are allowed to come over and join in the fun. So, needless to say, I will be spending tomorrow night at the good ol' hunt camp. Surly I will have a story or two for you then.

Sunday is going to be a fabulous day! On November 9th my grandparents will have been married for 49 years. Since that is right, smack dab in the middle of hunting seasons, and undoubtedly all of my uncles and cousins will be gone, we decided this was our only option to celebrate.

Forty nine years, 8 children, 31 grandchildren...not too shabby. Sunday we will all be at my grandparent's celebrating their beautiful marriage with a big lunch after Mass. Congratulations Nanna and Poppa!

Well, this has been awfully rambley (that is most definitely not a word). I hope you all have a beautiful, safe and blessed weekend!

Happy All Souls Day,


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