Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy All Saints Day

Ah, I am so excited! Today is All Saints Day! I day to celebrate the lives of people who walked this Earth, as we do, and in the little ways found their way into Heaven. It is a sign of remarkable hope for us, seeing how these people rose from sinners to saints and a beautiful opportunity for humility as we reflect on the life we lead and see how far we are from sainthood.

So, in honour of this day I wanted to share with you the story of a saint who inspired me since childhood and is a true, lovely example of sacrifice.

Saint Maria Goretti

This beautiful girl was born in a small town in Italy on Oct. 16 1890. Her father was a farmer, and died of malaria, leaving his wife to look after Maria and her siblings.

After her Father passed away the Goretti's eventually had to move. Maria would care for her youngest siblings while her Mother and the other children worked in the fields. Due to poverty, the Goretti's had given up their farm when Maria was just six. They moved to a farm which they shared with another family, Giovanni Serenelli and his son, Alexander.

On July 5th, 1902,  young, 11 year old Maria was alone in the house sewing when she was approached by 18 year old Alexander. He threatened her if she did not do as he said, and he planned on raping her. She refused his advances and screamed, over and over again, "No, it's a sin! God does not want it!" He first chocked Maria in an attempt to get her to agree to submit to him. When she refused again, he stabbed her 11 times. When she tired to reach for the door he stabbed her 3 more times.

Maria's little sister Teresa was sleeping in a near by room and was awakened by the noise. Maria's Mother and Alexander's Father heard Teresa's cries and came into the house to find Maria, bleeding from her stab wounds. 
They rushed her to the hospital, where she underwent surgery. The doctors were unable to save the young girl. 

Twenty hours after her attack Maria died from her wounds, after expressing her forgiveness for Alexander, and saying she wanted for him to be in Heaven with her one day. Maria died, clutching a Crucifix to her chest and looking on a picture of the Blessed Virgin. 

On June 24th, 1950 Pope Pius XII canonized Saint Maria Goretti. Maria's Mother was present for the canonization. 

Maria's feast day is celebrated on July 6th, and she is the patron of rape victims, youth, young women and purity. 

O, dear Saint Maria, do pray for us!

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