Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Festive Bush?

The other night I was visiting my parent's house and my sister told me that she'd just hears that at some Public schools in Canada the words "Christmas Tree" are not allowed.Wait, what?

Okay, so if you aren't going to allow Christmas trees to be called Christmas trees then you probably shouldn't have them at all. However, that is not the case. Christmas trees are allowed to exist, you just have to call them another name. And what is that name, you ask?

Festive Bushes. No, I am not kidding you. Is that not the most ridiculous thing you have ever heard.

1. They are not bushes. They are trees. When I hear "bush" I think of a little shrub in someone's yard, not a giant tree that stands in the homes of millions people around the world, decked with lights and ornaments and popcorn strings.

2. If you are opposed to the use of "Christmas Tree", then I would imagine that you are opposed to Christmas, as a whole. So, if that is the case, then why in the world do you have a Christmas tree, or feel the need to talk about them.  I have no problem with people not celebrating the same holidays that I do. I respect that they have their own beliefs, and it does not bother me at all if they celebrate their holidays. Why in the world then do people insist on referring to parts of Christmas as anything but the word Christmas.

I find it disgusting that as first world nations we cannot be okay with Christians celebrating Christmas. Canada was founded and formed on the bases of Christianity. Come on, people!

Well, that is my rant for today!

Merry Christmas,

Emily xo

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