Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pre-Christmas Musings

I realize it has been awhile since I have posted on this sweet little blog...but I can explain. Okay, there really is no good explanation. Blogging is one of those new adventures I thought I would try, and I usually start out strong, and then, alas, the typical Emily takes over and my zeal peters off.

You would think this is because I adore change and new things and my interests are constantly shifting and changing and that's what my interests dwindle and get left under a pile of dust. However, that is not the case. I am not bored of blogging. Not at all. In fact, I am fascinated with it. I just cannot convince myself that someone out there on this big ol' world would take interest in what I have to say and so I give up trying to amuse people.

I have put my thinking cap on and thought and thought and thought about what I could write about. I have not really come up with anything so insightful or profound I had to share it, but I did draw a conclusion for all this musing. Sometimes what I write does not matter...Sometimes it's just the fact that I write at all. For my sake, and to help lift the spirits of someone who blindly stumbles across this blog.

Are you ready for Christmas time? We are only a week away! I cannot believe how close it is. I am so excited. It is looking very Christmas-y outside this afternoon and I love it (despite the fact that I had to drive on the treacherous roads today). Yesterday I spent the day re-decorating the Christmas tree that my room mate's cat destroyed, baking and wrapping gifts. All the while singing along to Christmas carols. It was a lovely day...very well spent.

I know this is extremely last minute, but I wanted to share with you a quick gift idea that's thoughtful and not crazy expensive. I put this together for my boss this year, and I think she'll be delighted by it. 

What you need:
-A bowl or basket of some kind (I bought a really cute green Christmas one with gingerbread men on it from the Dollar Store)
-A movie (any one will work, just take into consideration the taste of the gift receiver. I got one from the $5 Christmas movie shelf at Wal Mart)
-A beverage of some kind (I bought some Coca-Cola in the old fashioned glass bottle because that's her favourite treat to drink and she isn't really a lover of alcohol)
-Some snackies (I used a family sized bag of Ruffles original chips because I know they are my bosses favourite. I also includes 2 bags of microwave popcorn)
-An empty Pringles tube. Clean it out, and wrap it in pretty Christmas paper. I baked 2 kinds of cookies- lemon and chocolate chip, and stacked them in the tube.
-Cellophane, scissors and ribbon (I used clear cellophane & red & gold ribbon)

Once you have all these items, or your substitutes, according to what the gift receiver enjoys, place them all in your basket/bowl in a pretty way. Place the full basket/bowl in the centre of a large piece of cellophane. Cut the cellophane to the appropriate length (it should be large enough for both sides to reach to the top centre of the items in the basket, with some excess. 
Once cut, gather the ends of the cellophane at the top. You may want some back up for this part. Get someone to hold the cellophane in place, and cut your ribbon. It should be long enough to secure the cellophane into place with enough left over to make a pretty bow and curl the ends. Tie the ribbon tightly round the gathered cellophane and knot a couple of times. Tie a bow and curl the ends of the ribbon. 

The Finished Product!

Lemon cookies in the newly decorated Pringles tube!

Look how cute this is!?

Just to make things a little more classy (well, as classy as Coke can be-heehee)
use a glass bottle as opposed to cans or plastic.

I chose the Ultimate Gift- a really cute movie!

Make sure to knot the ribbon a couple times! You don't want it 
coming loose.

This is the bowl I picked up. It's the perfect size to use as a 
chip bowl, & is adorable & Christmas-y!

Voila! You have made an adorable gift basket. It's perfect for a date night, family movie night, or whatever! You could also do this and replace the movie with cards or a fun, new board game!

Wishing you all a very blessed and Merry Christmas,

Emily xo

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