Monday, January 28, 2013

Modest Dress- Archaic or Relevant?

Is modest dress in our current world an outdated idea, reserved only for the pushy religious and Amish? I am no expert, and by no means a saint, but I have some strong opinions on this. I think that probably stems from my passion for young women ministry. I so badly want for all young women to know their value and to know how stunning and precious they are. My heart hurts for so many young ladies I see walking around with hardly enough fabric around their bodies to be considered clothing.

I don't think I am a prude...maybe some would consider me to be so, but I really think that I just value people, and our God, and that means believing in some ideas that some may consider archaic and silly. Whatever your opinion on the matter, I challenge you to read on, and see what I have to say.

I believe what so many people in our world seem to have forgotten. Our bodies are holy. We were created in the image and likeness of God. Of God. I mean, God could have made us to look however He pleased, He is God after all. But He cared so deeply for what he was about to create that he wanted to make us like Him in all ways but sin. That is the highest of honours.

Maybe you think you mother, or aunt or some other relative is simply stunning. When people tell you that you resemble them, you are incredibly flattered because you take that to mean you are nearly as beautiful as they are. So, is being made in the image of our God not also high praise? He adores us! There is no greater flattery.

I believe this to mean that are bodies are made with such care and love that we need to respect them as such. We need to veil them and care for them in a way that reflects the glory in which they were created. This point could be argued both ways I suppose...

I see it to mean that we need to cloth our bodies in a way that reflects the glory we were made in, but others may say that if God made us like Him would He not want us to show it off?

I think the answer to that is, no. Time and time again we see and hear that God is a gentleman. He never forces himself where He is not welcome. He waits to be invited into our hearts, our homes, our schools, our jobs and then He enters with grace. I believe He calls us to do the same.

We are ladies, and we need to act as such. This means dressing our bodies in a way that reflects that. We don't need to display all we are to the world. Rather, we reserve it. Not in shame, but in respect, not only for ourselves, but for those around us. Our bodies are beautiful! No matter the shape or size, they are stunning. That being said, we do not have the right to expose ourselves in a way that disgraces what God has made or in a way that leads others to sin.

I don't want to make this post to long and rambly, but I think this is an important topic. So, over the next few days I am going to touch on what modest dressing is (in my opinion), and how how we dress can impact other's temptations for sin.

Have a wonderful, blessed day, and dress your best!


Emily xoxo

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