Monday, February 4, 2013

Milk n' Honey Face Mask

If you're anything like me, your skin is probably so very dry in the winter. It has been really windy and cold here in the last couple weeks and I have noticed that my skin has been extra dry, especially my face.

I had been in search of something to aid the dry patches on my face, and all the moisturisers and facial cleanser I had found didn't seem to be helping. After some research on home face masks and the likes I tried  something that really worked, and was really easy!

What you need:
- small bowl
- spoon
- honey (1 tsp.)
- milk (1 tsp.)

All you need to do is combine the milk and honey in a bowl. Mix it really well until it is all combined and looks like a pale honey. Once it's mixed, use your hands to apply it all over your face and neck. I left mine sit for about 40 minutes. I found the simplest, least messy way to wash off the mask was to shower.

My skin felt so smooth and silky after the mask. I applied my regular daily moisturiser to my face afterwards and, voila- a perfect way to remedy that dry skin.

Hope it works for you as well as it did for me.

-Emily xo

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