Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dress to Impress?

Does how to dress impact those around us?

This is a valid question, that we often make more complex then it has to be. The answer is yes. Yes, how we dress does impact those around us. People, women in particular, will often argue that it isn't their fault that men can't keep their eyes to themselves, or that others shouldn't be so shallow as to pass judgement based on what a person is wearing.

But, here's the thing. We are human. The issue is not whether or not it should impact those around us, but whether or not is does impact them. The first example I will use is woman dressing in a suggestive manner. This can mean low cut, cleavage showing shirts, short dresses, skirts or pants, tight clothing, see through tops, etc.

Are men effected by this type of dress? Of course! Who isn't? If you see someone dressed liked that you more often then not take a second look. Not necessarily because you want to, or because you're interested, but because it catches our attention (be it positive or negative). Men, more so then women, are physical beings. They are more effected by the physical appearance of people (women in particular). This is not because they are shallow or perverts, but it is because that is how they are made. Yes, they sometimes should try to fight the urge to stare at people, but that is not made easier when woman dress in a suggestive manner. They should try to avoid looking, but the temptation is there and difficult for them to resist. So should we really try to lead them to sin by how we dress? We don't want others to lead us to do something we are uncomfortable with, or that could cause us to sin, just as we shouldn't dress in a way that may draw unwanted attention from men or lead them to sin.

The second thing I want to touch on it how the way we dress can present to the world who we are. Although we should always strive to get to know a person, and not judge a book by it's cover, or a girl by her dress, the reality is that we often do. How we clothe our bodies shows those around us how we see ourselves. Do we respect ourselves? Do take care of our bodies? I am not saying that this is the right way to go about life, but it is how a lot of people live. That is why presenting ourselves in a way that is respectful can teach those around us to also respect us. Ultimately, people often perceive us and treat us in the same way we see and treat ourselves. And, that should be with respect, should it not?

I hope you found this enlightening in some way!


Emily xo

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