Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Thank you, God.

The other night I was thinking about a book I have seen recently. I can't remember the name or author of it now, but basically it was a collection of letters. The author had written letters to different things every day for a year, for example there was one thanking her droopy eyelids. She then went on to explain why she was thankful for them and what she saw as the silver lining, or up side, to what is usually another item on the list of things we complain about.

I decided that she was on to something. It is much easier to be thankful for what we have when we take time to sit down and think about the positive in otherwise negative situations. Would we not also be much happier? But, I am changing her idea a little bit. I decided that once a week I am going to post a "thank you God" letter on here. I decided on Wednesdays, because I find mid week to be when I struggle the most to see the positive. 

So, here is my first "Thank you" Letter.

Dear God,

Thank you for this awful 'lady sickness' that I get once a month. As terrible as I feel, it is a beautiful reminder that my body is doing what it should, and that I am healthy. The pain that is causes me is a reminder that I have an ability to feel, and that isn't a bad thing. Because, it means I can feel butterflies in my stomach every time I see my handsome boyfriend. It means I can feel laughter on my lips when I spend time joking with my family. It means that I can feel tears and how the cleanse my soul. 
So, thank you for my cramps, discomfort, sick tummy and grouchiness, because ultimately it means that someday I can probably have a wee baby!

Love forever,

Emily xo

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