Saturday, April 20, 2013

Acts of Service

I believe that we were placed on this Earth to serve. This kind of ties into my Am I Third? post.

God first. Others second. Me third. Always. Every single moment of every single day.

That's hard. Really, really hard. I think in some ways it's easier to serve God, because we knowHhe deserves it. We know He is above us and He is merciful and deserves endless praise and service. I think it's way more challenging to serve others (which is really how we can best serve God), because we see everyone as our equal, and Satan prays on that weakness by planting a little voice in our head saying, "Why should I have to serve someone who is equal to me? Especially since they never serve me. They are no better then me, so why should I lay down my life for them?"

But that is a slippery and scary slope, because that is what sent the fallen angels into Hell in the first place. God wanted them to serve humans, and they felt they were better then us and didn't want to serve us. Do we really want to head down that path. Um, no!!

I thought I would do a post giving you some tangible, solid ways to serve those around you. Especially, but not limited to, those in your own home, because as Blessed Mother Teresa says, "Love begins at home by taking care of the closest ones- the ones at home."

1. Make coffee in the morning.
Wake up a few minutes earlier and put a pot of coffee on for everyone in your home who drinks it. Pour it into everyone's favourite mugs and doctor it up the way the like it. Write a little note to each person with a little compliment or thank you, and deliver the note and coffee to them.

2. Pick up coffee.
Are you sensing a theme? People often feel so loved by little, simple gestures like this. Pick up coffee on your way to work for a co-worker. Try choosing someone you maybe don't know all that well; someone you wouldn't typically think of.
OR Take coffee to your spouse/sibling/boyfriend at work.

3. Let someone go first.
Let someone else have to first plate of food tonight at supper. They may not even notice this sacrifice, but do it anyway. If your wife usually serves everyone before herself, fill up her plate first and yours last.
OR Let the person behind you in line at the store go ahead of you. Even if you're in a rush. We aren't good at taking our time, and we always rush. But let someone else go first even if it means you'll be five minutes late.

4. Hold the door open.
Open the door of the house/car/store/work for your spouse or siblings and strangers. If you're a woman, don't snap at a man for being a gentleman. Accept the gesture. Men, ignore the snapping women and open doors anyway. It's kind, even if they get angry because you are taking away their feminist right to open their own doors.
And women, open doors for others. It's helpful and nice. And, I find when I open doors for people they often say, "thank-you" and chat with you. You may restore someone's faith in the kindness of humanity.

5. Use your manners.
Always use your manners. This shouldn't have to be said...but it needs to be.
Thank your husband for going to work. Thank your wife for changing your baby's diaper. Thank the person who pumps your gas (yes, it is their job, but they are often under appreciated). Thank the person serving you your morning coffee, even if they put too much cream in. Thank your boss for telling you to come to work on Saturday, because it may be a pain, but you're grateful for your employment. Thank your child for being quiet while you tell your spouse about your day. Thank the person who let you turn left at their green light, even when they can't hear you.
Say 'please' when you ask for the salt, and when you ask your child to hurry so you won't be late, and when you're asking your co-worker to take your shift so you can make it to your daughters ballet recital.
Say 'Excuse me' when passing in front of the person who is looking at the pasta sauce at the grocery store, and when you cough, and when someone is in your way.
Just use your manners, okay?

Anyway. there is five ways to serve to start you out. I hope they help!!


Emily xo

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