Monday, June 10, 2013

My Unbelief

I don't remember where I first heard this but I do know it is one of the best pieces of advice I have ever received.

Someone once told me that sometimes, when it gets too hard to offer a prayer, and when we cannot feel God's love, that is okay. This was something I couldn't understand...but what they said next struck me.

In that moment, when we feel so far from God, the most important prayer to pray is this,

"Lord, help my unbelief."

Sometimes it is so hard to see God working in our life and Satan works in that. Dry spells of faith are not abnormal. Heck, Blessed Mother Teresa went through dry spells of faith all the time! If she went through them then of course we will too! But, we have to remember that that does not mean God is not there or that He has abandoned us. However, unbelief is tempting in that moment. That is when this simple prayer comes into play.

"Lord, help my unbelief."

In those four words we surrender ourselves to our King and humble ourselves before Him. We invite Him into that darkness to spread faith once again. Remember, He is a gentleman. He needs to be asked in, he will not barge through the doors of our hearts if we close them with unbelief.

Let us all make this our prayer today. Jesus, please help the little bits of unbelief that are in all of us! Amen.


Emily xo

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