Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Power of a Prayer

A few years ago I remember I was going through a really trying time in my life. There wasn't anything specifically wrong, but I just felt frustrated in myself and in my relationship with God. And, I was just so confused.

I have always believed that God has a plan for each of us, and that that plan is older then time. God knows what he created us for. I grew up learning this from my parent's, at school and at Church and as I got older I believed it to be true from the experiences I had in my life. But, at this time in my life I felt very unsure of God's plan in my life, and very unsettled about where I was and what I was doing. I felt that maybe He had forgotten about me, and when I ran to Him in prayer that maybe He didn't hear me.

One night I got into a fight with my father. I have no idea what it was about, or how it began, but I know it was the angriest I had ever been at someone. I felt hurt and unloved by my earthly father, and fed up that me heavenly Father didn't seem to take notice of my sorrow. That night I somehow had the peace of mind to leave our home and go to the Church (my family had a key, so I was able to get in). When I reached the Church I remember going in, while wiping streams of tears from my cheeks, and literally collapsing in front of the Tabernacle and crying out to Jesus. I begged Him for answers and for direction, and for peace in my heart. I cried and cried, and eventually I felt like He was holding me, just for a moment, in His arms.

I felt comforted.

Things didn't take a miraculous turn after that, and I didn't suddenly know where I was supposed to be headed in life. But, for one moment I felt that I was not alone. In that desperate prayer God reminded me that He had never forsaken me. I had simply forgotten how to see Him. He took me in His arms that night, rested my head against His heart and showed me how to see Him again.

Today I want to remind you of the power of a prayer. No matter where you have been, where you are going or how lost you have gotten, He is there. Always and without fail, He is holding you. Take a deep breathe and ask God to help you and carry you and show you how to see Him again. He will answer you, in His time, but the answer will be there. He promises us that.

I am praying for you,

Emily xo

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