Monday, July 22, 2013

Friends Forever?

Today I stumbled across this post, 35 things I want my Daughter to know about Girlfriends. As I was reading the list I was thinking about the heart ache friendships can bring, and the joys they can have. And, about how no one ever told me having friends may be even harder then having a boyfriend...especially when you're young.

Last week I met one of my dearest friends, Cecile, for supper. She served with me on my year on NET and is like a sister to me. Last year she moved an hour and a half away from where I live (she did live in another Province). I was so excited to have her close...but I also knew I would have to be intentionally about making time to see her. We are both busy, and live can race by. But I need Cecile, and I need to make time to see her.

Having supper with her last week was one of the best moments I have had in a long time, and I left feeling renewed and revived. Before I met her for supper I was feeling overwhelmed, and like driving an hour and a half for supper was just another burdensome chore on my list. Of course I wanted to see her, but when life is busy everything seems like a chore. I didn't know, before I saw her, how badly my heart and soul needed that visit.

If I could tell my high school self some advice about friends this is what I would say;

-You need friends who make you smile. Not because of crude or mean jokes at another expense, but because you genuinely enjoy their company.

-A truly good friend is one who calls you to be a better version of yourself, even if that means being a little bit harsh.

- Just like everyone tells you not to settle for a boy, don't settle for a friendship. Surround yourself with people who you love and who love you...not necessarily people who strive for popularity.

-If you feel, even for a second, insecure about being yourself around your friend then it is not a friendship that is worth your time.

-Friendships that thrive on drama will crumble and fall the moment you grow up. Don't put yourself through that heartbreak.

-If you have a friend that you are nervous to expose your heart to, for fear of who the might tell, guard your heart. Don't allow yourself to disclose your most precious thoughts, opinions and passions with someone who might destroy them without a second thought.

-You are allowed to be picky. You have to be kind to everyone, but you do not have to be friends with everyone. You need to know this.

-True, good friends won't tell you lies, because they know you can handle the truth, and you would not judge them.

-They will forgive you a thousand times, and always give you a second chance. Never take advantage of that fact.

-You will know when you have met a forever friend. You will know by how freely you can talk to them, by how passionate they are about life, by how similar they are to you in faith and morality. They will be strong in the things you battle with, and struggle in the areas where you excel. That way you can bring out the very best in one another. They will love God infinitely more then they love you, and you will be incredibly thankful for that. They will pray for you. They will know your heart, even when you don't. They will know how to love you better then you know how to love yourself.

-If at the end of time you only have one best friend, count yourself blessed.

Emily xo

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