Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Feeling like a Princess

As I have grown up over the past few years I have realized a couple things;

1. I no longer have to ridiculous metabolism I did when I was 13, and therefore cannot consume endless amounts of least not without serious consequences to my health and my waistline. was a sad realization.


2. Being a princess doesn't necessarily include pretty dresses, as Disney would have us believe. Growing up I loved Barbies and Princesses. I had a Cinderella poster on my wall. Yup. I thought I was going to be her.
Yes, when I have a dress on that is lovely, fits me well and makes me feel good I do tend to equate myself with a princess. In reality however, the occasions for such dresses are far and few between.

For some reason ball gowns are not appropriate work attire.

Sometimes the moments I feel most like a princess is when I am wearing a tank top and p.j. bottoms and having a movie night. It is moments when I feel confident in how I look and who I am. And, as time passes I have noticed that moments I feel like a princess have less and less to do with how I outwardly appear and more and more to do with my interior disposition in each moment.

I realize this is an incredibly gift that some young women will never enjoy. I am incredible thankful I have been blessed in this way.

I hope and pray you can begin to recognize the princess you are, despite how you may appear on the outside and any imperfections you think you have.

You are truly His Princess.

Emily xo

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