Thursday, July 25, 2013

A {Bank-Breaking} Wedding

A couple I know got married last Saturday. I don't know them well, but what I do know is that they were loving in a home they had been living in together for a while before the got married. I believe that that is wrong, but I am not writing this post in a condemnation in any way...more of just a baffling perspective of what their day must have been like last Saturday.

When I dream of the day I will get married it is not so much the actually wedding day that excites me. It is the sacrament that we receive that seals us as a couple, and 'two become one' {Mark 10:8}. I am also waiting in anticipation of the life that will begin once we are married...I will be able to kiss my love goodnight before I close my eyes, and cuddle up next to them. I will awake the the sight of the person I love most in the world, and spend my days with them. I will serve my husband and he will guide me. And, the love we will share will be new and totally different then the love we shared when we were dating or engaged.

Two things struck me about how the perspective and anticipation of a wedding day are drastically altered when you are already living together.

1. How is your wedding night any different then any other night you have already spent together?
I suppose it really isn't. Not without really trying, anyway. I always imagined my wedding night would be spent in the home we will share...Obviously, depending on the situation that may not be the case. Distance, or honeymoon travel might have us staying in a hotel.
But, if you'd already been living together then the idea of going to your home would be far from exciting. You have to stay somewhere else that night in order to make it special and memorable, and to not risk falling into your regular nightly routine.

Which brings us to number 2...

 No wonder weddings are so expensive now!! If you have already been living together then chances are you have already travelled many places, just the two of you. It also means you have more then likely invited people to your home or hosted parties, as a couple.
Since you have already had parties then you feel a pressure to make your wedding day extraordinary. You feel you need to make this event stand out for you & for your guests, and that often means it needs to be extravagant...and usually that means expensive.
Maybe this is just me, and my simple taste. But, for my honeymoon, where we go is irrelevant. Of course I would like it to be some place we can both enjoy, but if it meant we could spend a few days or a week alone together some place an hour from home I would be happy. But once again, if you have been living together, and travelling together for quite some time before you were married then there is a certain pressure to once again have an extraordinary honeymoon, to some place special and exotic and expensive.

Anyway, let me know what you think...these seem like a reasonable explanation to me.

God bless you,

Emily xo

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