Friday, July 5, 2013

Get to Know the Mess

I decided I was going to a 'get to know me' kind of post. I am going to answer a series of questions about myself, and I would love if you'd do the same. We can get to know one another!

You are kind of getting to know the Mess that is looking for the Message.

Q: What word best describes you?

A: I would have to go with passionate, I think. I have a fiery passion for justice, life and many, many other things. When I love something, or believe in something, I will fight for it. I am passionate about the life and faith I live.

Q: What is your favourite food?

A: Hmmm...I really enjoy food, so this is tricky. However, I will narrow it down to two-one actually food and one dessert/treat type food. Taco salad is a number one for sure. I love everything about it. And, hands down, ice cream. I would eat it every single day. I have yet to cross an ice cream I dislike.

Q: What is your mission?

Probably if I knew the answer to that I would not be the host of this blog. However, I know my above-all mission is to serve my King.

Q: Who do you admire?

A: There are many people worth my admiration. But if I had to pick one, right at this moment, I would choose Troy. He is the most giving person I know. He loves me unconditionally-which, let me tell you, is no easy task. He is the hardest worker in the world. Seriously. He never stops.

Q: If you had a million dollars, what would you do?

A: A loaded question, to be sure.
If I was feeling greedy & wanted something for myself it would be a reliable vehicle. Nothing brand new or fancy...just one that works. And, a piece of waterfront property or a cottage. Again, nothing fancy. Just a small, remote cabin on the water that I can stay in with my family in the summer.
I would go to the Philippines and visit Baby, the little girl I sponsor, and I would give her the world, and so much love.
I would make sure my family was taken care of, and I would take their debt away in a heartbeat so they wouldn't have to be burdened with worry.
I would send money to my Dominican friends in Yamasa so they could improve their life in anyway it needs to be.
I would buy a stranger's groceries.
I would be incredibly thankful.

Q: What are your favourite books?

I love books. I love to unlock the mystery that is hidden in the words. I love Karen Kingsbury books. They are easy to read, innocent, and good to relate to. I am currently reading Three To Get Married by Fulton J. Sheen.  It is a phenomenal book, and  one of my favourites.
To be honest though, my favourite books are always changing. My old time favourites are The Mitchells: Five for Victory, Anne of Green Gables, Little House on the Prairie, Ramona and Beezus (and all Ramona books!) and The Giver.

Q: Camping or a luxury hotel?

Camping, hands down. I would spend every moment of the summer camping, if I could.

Q: Are you a morning person?

A: Definitely. I love being up in the morning, saying my prayers as the sun rises and drinking a cup of coffee. It is peaceful and beautiful.

Q: Can you keep a secret?

A: If you asked my boyfriend he would tell you I can't keep one to save my life. He may be on to something. If I know the secret is important, or private or would hurt someone, I can keep it under lock and key. But, do I tell people about their Christmas gifts before Christmas? Guilty.

Q: What chore do you absolutely hate doing?

A: Dusting! I hate dusting, but do it all the time. What I hate about it is having to move everything to dust thoroughly. It seems like so much extra work, and the next day everything is dusty all over again!

Q: Do you have a favourite smell?

A: Freshly cut grass and babies. Anything baking.

Q: What is your favourite sound?

A: Children laughing, and babies cooing. Silence.

Q: What is the hardest thing you have ever done?

A: There are always trials in our life, and I have come to roll with the punches. The hardest thing I have ever had to do was bringing forward a person I knew and trusted for abusing my closest friend.

Q: The best part of waking up is...

A: The stillness of the day before all the memories and knowledge of the day that lies ahead comes crashing down. The first deep breath of morning air.

Have a fabulous Friday, loves!

Emily xo

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