Tuesday, July 2, 2013

O, Canada

Yesterday, July 1st, was Canada Day!

To all you fellow Canadians out there, I hope you enjoyed your day of red and white!

On Sunday morning my boyfriend & I went to Mass together, and as the final song, the choir asked the congregation to join in the singing of O Canada. I stood my straightest, with my hands at my side.

Sunday evening my family invited over a bunch of my extended family. We had red and white cupcakes and napkins. We ate and drank and celebrated.

Last night my boyfriend and I went to the celebrations in his home town and watched the fireworks and listened to the laughing children and cheering adults from his truck, parked up on a hill.

Today, I carry on with my life and go to work and love my family and breath a silent prayer of thanks for my life here.

I am proud of being a Canadian, and am immeasurably grateful that I was born in this country. But, every year on Canada Day I find it challenging to be so proud of a nation that is so falsely wonderful.

 We are too polite and politically correct to call a spade a spade and to call one another out when something is wrong. Oh yes, we have legalized gay marriage, how progressive of us. Never mind that is a sin and we are a Christian nation. We have removed God from everywhere possible (with the exception of out National Anthem, but I am sure that is coming), when we have scripture quotes engraved in the Peace Tower on Parliament Hill that have stood the test of time.

We have immigration rates that are sky high which is the only reason we are able to sustain our population. Immigration is wonderful, but we cannot allow the murder of millions of unborn Canadian babies to happen because we are too 'politically correct' to enforce any sort of law in this regard. It is pathetic that we need to rely on people fleeing their own countries in order to sustain our own country.

I am proud that I am a Catholic Canadian, and that I live in a nation that allows me to be so. I am shamed by how ungodly our nation is, and how we have given evil an upper hand. But, I am far from being proud of this country. We are not doing justice to our ancestors who founded this place.

God bless this nation,

Emily xo

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