Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Butterfly's Perspective

Today I read something on Pinterest that said that butterflies can't see their own wings, so they don't know how beautiful they are. It said that the same is true for people. What an interesting comparison, I thought.

And, how totally true.

I am a young woman and I struggle with body image and loving myself. If you asked me to name a good thing, physical or otherwise, about myself I am not sure I could come up with something. If you asked me the same about a perfect stranger or my best friend I could come up with a list that was a mile long.

Maybe if butterflies had feelings they'd be thinking the same way.

This is a little thought that I am going to tuck away in that special place in my heart that holds the things I need to be constantly reminding myself of. I am beautiful & worthy & all things wonderful, even if I can't see it. And, I need to trust others when they can notice it because they have the unique, wonderful outside perspective that shows all our beauty.

You are beautiful, and know that someone always loves you.

-Emily xo

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