Friday, August 23, 2013

A Child's Dream

Today I wanted to introduce you to our Play House.

My Father works as a carpenter. Often they are left with scraps from jobs that will end up the dump. My Father's boss will, a lot of the time, send them home with Dad if he think he'll have some use for them at home. So, over the course of a year or so, Dad collected some siding, windows, cupboards and doors. 

A few summers ago, my Father set to work on this, our Play house. It's less like a play house, and more like a little cabin, really. It has beds, and is often used for extra sleeping quarters in the warmer months.

As we enter, please excuse the brother was is currently using it as his 'room' for the summer...and his cleanliness leaves something to be desired. Sigh.

There are 3 windows, plus the door (which also has a good sized window in it) in this 10' by 12' space. It's bright & cheery & cozy. This windows looks towards the back of our property, away from the road. As you can see, there is a small tree growing against this side.

The door faces the laneway. You can see the little bit of grass before the gravel of the laneway. Our house is across the laneway. You can see the gazebo in the picture, which is part of our deck on the house.

Again, please excuse the mess *cough* Braeden *cough*. There is one set of bunk beds, pictured here, and one single bed (at one point there was 2 sets of bunks). The single bed runs along the back wall. It forms an 'L' shape with the bunks, and the head of the single bed is at the head of the bunks.
The window here faces the front of our property, towards the road.
P.S. Usually there are actually sheets on the beds, not just sleeping bags.

This chair was from an old set we had in our house many years ago. It sits along the wall facing the back of the property. The chair is turned towards a TV my brother moved out there to play X-Box on. 

This last window is opposite the door, and overlooks part of our garden, and the soy bean field. I like this view best, I think.
The single bed runs under this window, and to the left of it there are cupboards for extra storage, along with the TV my brother moved out there (which, clearly I forgot to take pictures of).

This is kind of a bird's eye view of the inside. It's cute & cozy & we love it. The carpet is an old one from our house, and the curtains on all the windows were made by my Mother.

I hope you liked this little tour! I love it, and I was 19 when it was built. It would have been my dream as a child!

Emily xo

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