Friday, August 2, 2013

Loving You

I came across this image today that says, "Loving you was my favourite mistake." Something about it kind of struck a cord. I am no expert with matters of the heart, and in fact, Troy's the only person I've ever dated.
But, does this not apply in other aspects of life? Including friendships? I have had friendships that have ended abruptly, and far from smoothly. Without naming names, I will mention one girl who I was best friends with throughout most of high school.
She was my very best friend. I loved her. We were as different as could be, but went together so well. I lover her like a sister. And, the rough ending to that friendship is still a scar on my heart that is painful.
But was loving her, and being her best friends wasn't a mistake, I don't think.
Did it hurt when things ended badly? Of course. But do I regret being her friend? Not for even a second. Maybe is was a mistake, or may it wasn't. Either way, loving her, & being her friend was a good one.

Emily xo

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