Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Gardens & Flowers & The Prettiest Things

Summer is in full swing, and the garden is bearing all sorts of fruits (& veggies!). Here are some photos of how things are fairing on the Troutman farm.

Look at all the lovely flowers! They have been having a fairly grand summer, and are making the beds look colourful!

The garden has had it's fair share of battles this summer...especially our poor tomato plants. But, here are some pictures of the plants, in all their glory (or more like uphill battle).

Our little Walnut Grove has flourished this year, which has been so exciting for us.

Our sunflowers have also been doing least in terms of their height. They are just beginning to really bloom, though. Here are some pictures of the few that are taking off.

Happy planting & growing & blooming & thriving!


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