Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Part 2: Good, Bad & Ugly

As promised, here's part 2. If you missed part one, it's linked here for you. You can go read that first, if you wish!

This part is school related items. I start school September 3, and this was my first, tiny step to getting things for school. I am still totally in summer mode!

All of these items I purchased at Wal-Mart, by the way.

These are all the things I got. I know, a whole 4 items!

I have had one of these Mead Daily Agendas before & I loved the way it was set up. The set up of an Agenda can make all the difference for me. If it's set up badly, I won't really use it.

I like how there are only 2 days per page, and there is a lot of space for me to write notes and reminders.

Look at this little baby! Is this not the cutest stapler ever? I think it is. And, it was like $1 or something! AND-it takes regular sized staples...none of this mini nonsense.

Okay, this was a tiny bit ridiculous and unnecessary, I will admit. But, it was cute and on sale and I got sucked in.

I mean, it's pink, what did you expect me to do?

And, this is boring, but I got some of these clippy things, because they are useful. Nothing cute about these...just practical. Sigh.

Happy back to school shopping! I hope you find a few cute things at least! It helps balance out the boring necessities (*cough* boring black clippy things).

Emily xo

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